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Author Topic: Sandy Fjord  (Read 97852 times)


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Sandy Fjord
« on: August 27, 2008, 09:55:01 am »


Sorry about the wait, but it took me a while to set up the net connection.  I also haven't had all that much time to tool around with it.

So, I'm in Skiringssal Folkehøyskole.  I think I've only been here three days, not counting the first day when people were just getting their rooms and such.

Heh...  My Norwegian isn't particularly good, and there aren't as many people here who speak English as I thought there would be.  It seems like more people spoke English in India than they do here, but that's probably just because I keep insisting that everyone speak Norwegian around me (can't get better at Norwegian by speaking English...).

My short time here has been rather...  Well, unusual.

For the first two days (particularly the first), I was nervous enough that I felt physically ill.  Now I've settled in a bit more, and shifted over from massively stressed to mildly stressed and moderately girl-crazy.

My roommate is a stereotypically tall blonde blue-eyed Norwegian, who is midly scatterbrained and babbles when he's nervous.  He also happens to come from the area of Norway known for having the weirdest dialects and speech patterns, so his babbling is of a particularly difficult to understand variety.

I'm in the Film and TV class.  When I signed up, I received an email from the school saying how glad they were to have a guy sign up for Film and TV, since it's usually just girls.

Out of the ten people who signed up this year, ten of them are male.

But stifle those laughs, as there's a slight twist.  I am one of only two guys in my housing section, the other being my roommate.  So it's not all bad.

I haven't really met that many people here, but there are a few faces I can remember between sightings.  There's a pirate enthusiast/mild goth down the hall who is enrolled in the music class (she sings. And with quite a nice voice, I might add).  There's a guy from Film and TV in the section downstairs who was kind enough to invite me over last night to watch some Led Zeppelin concert clips.

There's actually another native English-speaker here, a metalhead who spends most of his free time on the drumset in the music room.  There's an explosion of sound every time someone opens the door, most of it caused by him.  He'll probably be quite deaf by the end of the school year, but he's enjoying every second of it.

Speaking of music, my new cell phone, which does not have a SIM card, is utterly incapable of making or taking calls.  It is, essentially, a portable music player/alarm clock.  What kind of music?  Well, I've got Folk Songs from Trio Mediævel, Aerial Boundaries from Michael Hedges (I'd never heasrd of him before.  My dad found the album on his computer and decided to upload it to my phone), Wolfmother by Wolfmother, and three Pink Floyd albums.

You'd be surprised how many Pink Floyd fans there are in Norway.

That's actually how I added another person to my list of remembered faces.  I can't recall what class he's in, but he had attempted to make contact a couple times before.  He's a nice guy, but he looks so damned mournful it's funny.

Anyways, I'm sitting at a table in the rec room and playing cards with a few people.  My phone is on the table, providing music for the assembled gathering after someone overheard the ticking clock at the beginning of the song "Time", and said "Oy!  Pink Floyd!".  It is currently playing "Money".

I see him walking over, same expression as the last few times he's tried talking to me.  Then, with perfect timing only a practiced listener can achieve, he mime-yells the titular lyric as it comes up in the song.  Good enough for me.

This is a rather strange place.  The school is apparently Christian, but the students most certainly are not.  There was a survey done a couple days ago where we had to fill out a bunch of questions about what made us choose the school and preferred major, and what kind of things we would expect from them.  There was a discussion I overheard later on in the evening, where a group of students (most of whom I am at least mildly acquainted with now) were talking about how they answered one question that asked whether or not the school's Christianity was an important factor for choosing the school.  The answers ranged from "absolutely not" to "I don't know" (the closest they could get to "What?").

Heh, it's kinda funny.  In Film and TV, a lot of the students wear hats (including one guy who has a very distinctive style, and enjoys wearing either his charcoal beret or his brown fedora).  The people in music tend to wear a lot of bracelets, bangles, and wrist-ties.

I'm in Film and looking at music.  I'm wearing a navy blue fedora and a wristband.  Whoops.

This kind of school prides itself on getting everyong to know each other.  It's actually been pretty good so far as cliques and such are concerned, with not too many distinct or exclusive groups in the dining area.  What's really funny is that the ones who seem to be flocking the most are the black sheep, who probably just don't think they'd fit in with anyone else.

At the moment, my primary concern is getting a girl.  I'd rather not go into specifics, but suffice to say it's been a long time since I last had a girlfriend.

But, hey.  It's been three days out of nine months.  I've got good time.

On the brighter side, I had to pick up a brand new computer for school. This thing is a 17" widescreen monster, and it also happens to be the only laptop I've seen so far that has a numpad.

It also has a Norwegian keyset.  So although I have to retrain the locations of the various keys into my fingers (for instance, the brackets used for UBB code?  Those are now "å" and "¨"), I do get lots of fun keys to mess around with.  Just see for yourself:

§ | ¤ £ ø æ å € µ

Now I don't have to go to the character set page on the wiki whenever I want to express a crown or a rope reed.  Which happens pretty often, as you may well know.

Anyways, time to get out there and do nothing socialize.

My phone just informed me that the lunatics are in the hall.  I better go before the paper boy brings more.

See y'all on the dark side of the moon.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 02:56:42 pm »

Glad to hear everything is going well for you so far!

My phone just informed me that the lunatics are in the hall.  I better go before the paper boy brings more.

Heh. Great song.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 03:37:04 pm »

Cool, good luck with the girlfriend issue. I'd enjoy visit Norway sometime, sounds neat.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2008, 04:04:28 pm »

Kagus, I really like reading about your "adventures". The only problem is that they make me all sad because I've never left the US. But I will some day!


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2008, 05:42:28 pm »

It is five minutes past zero.  I know I'm going to pay for this tomorrow.

Another day down, and a guaranteed-stress day to follow.  I hope things will calm down somewhat, or that I shape up. 

Did a test earlier today, where I sat down at an empty table in the cafeteria and started to eat.  The test was to see if I could make my wa through an entire meal without anyone joining me.

About halfway through the second piece of flatbread, the singer convinced one of her friends to come with her and sit at my table.  A brief conversation followed, wherein I didn't pay attention to what I was saying and ended up phrasing some things poorly.  Hopefully, they were taken as they were meant, and not as they sounded.

Yeeg.  My problem isn't that nobody's interested in me, my problem is that I don't know what to do with the ones who are.  I think the singer is starting to shift her opinion of me from "friend" to "more than friend", but I don't know if I should act to encourage or discourage that change.  I think I'd rather have her as a friend, but I am conflicted by the pressing nature of my current desire and the fact that the first choice is not necessarily the last choice, as far as relationships are concerned.

My roommate just informed me that he needed to go to the bathroom.  This isn't a request or a question, it's just running commentary.  It's also not the first time he's mentioned such a desire.

¤Ahem¤...  Anyways, it seems to me that, regarding girls (and this has been going on in some form or another for most of my life), I have my pick of not my pick.

I'll give it a week or so before I start worrying myself over such things.  If I don't have at least the budding of a romantic relationship by then, I'll... 

Uh...  Well, I guess I'll listen to "Young Lust" again.  I've been doing that a lot.

Today we got to fill out a form with all of our "extra" activities.  We're presented a list of groups/courses that we're supposed to fill out (five of the sections are obligatory, the sixth is not).  The groups include everything from boating to guitar lessons to volleyball to philosophy to modern myth (astrology, birth signs, psychic readings and so on).  For my obligatories, I picked guitar, minichoir/voice training, band (join the jamming course!), philosophy, and something else which has completely slipped my mind.

For extra extra, I picked salsa.  There are a couple Cubans the school managed to pick up during the arrangements for the trip down there, and they're going to teach some of the students how to dance.

That sounds weird.  It's late.  I've been tired all day for the past three days, and I'm going to be tired all day tomorrow.

You know what really gets me about this whole lack-of-affair affair?  My dad figured I should come to the school prepared, and so he bought me what amounts to a starter pack of condoms.  He bought extra since he figured I could sell any excess, due to the fact that yes, even condoms are more expensive in Norway.

So now I've got a bag in my closet with what looks like over a hundred Trojans sitting in it.  I think I'll start calling it the Trojan Bag (privately, of course).

Well, good night.  My roommate's trying to sleep, and will probably complain about the light in a few minutes if I don't shut the computer down and start getting ready for bed.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2008, 05:44:02 pm »

Kagus, I really like reading about your "adventures". The only problem is that they make me all sad because I've never left the US. But I will some day!

My thoughts are the same. Good to here you're doing well, though! I was worried about zombie land sharks and such. Wanna trade phones? Mine makes calls somewhat, but is utterly useless for anything else at all. I'd rather have the MP3 player part of it, hah.

Norway sounds like a blast though. Skiriingsal Folkehoyskole. Crap, that's hard to say.

Edit: Whoa. Posted right after you. Sleep? Oh, right, it must be later there then it is here on the east cosat. Damn though, sounds like a lot of fun, whish I got to go to school this year. Bloody expensive unless you live in the same state.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 05:46:29 pm by Keiseth »


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2008, 07:49:17 pm »

Hey Kagus you said you have no problem with girls being interested so dont settle with the first one. If you find one dont wait at lunch to see if she comes over ask her to in the halls or something. Either way man goodluck on your adventure.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2008, 08:42:07 pm »

It is five minutes past zero.  I know I'm going to pay for this tomorrow.



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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2008, 12:46:37 am »

Talking to people is a little bit difficult when you can't really speak their language.  Ever try to mime someone up?  Not easy.

And although the word "Skiringssal" may look dangerous, it really is rather easy to say.  SHEE-ring-sahl.  If you manage to trill the "r", you're saying it like a real live Norwegian.

Also, we do call it midnight.  It's just more fun to call it zero.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2008, 05:07:21 am »

Today was not the day I thought it was going to be.  Not only did I forget what day it was, I also forgot what week it was.

So, yeah.  Not particularly stressful on this occasion.  We've only got one spot for our chosen major, so it's not an actual "school day".

The main point of today was to get everyone ready for the trip we're taking in a couple days.  We're setting out to a little island for three days, where we're supposed to get to know each other a little better (this is actually one of the goals listed on the official reasons for taking the trip).

And, while the other majors get to sit around the campfire and listen to one of the music majors who happened to bring along a handy-dandy musical instrument, us Film and TV blokes have to make a movie about the island.  Which has to be ready for viewing within a week.

But hey, I just discovered that I have accent keys on this keyboard.  Âöñì.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2008, 06:17:43 am »

Good Luck Kagus! Even though I'm a newbie to the forum (1 month?) I still feel inclined (sp?My english is of mediocre quality) to post this nonsense.

As someone who has some experience in trade&sell, I say you should sell the Trojan, bit by bit (if you sell it singlely, you will end up getting more money than just sell them all).

Now I wanted to go to somewhere north (here, in the middle of the world (equator) it is still bad. Flood will come a few weeks after this.) Perhaps Japan. I never saw snow. That's good, because of the God-D***ed Sinusithys.

Thank you, Kagus, to share your experience with us, the non-traveler.

Thank you very much,

PS:This seemed like a message, does it not? Well, I'm more suitable to type essay than just usual post. Hahahaha


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2008, 07:07:27 am »

Who are you going to sell them to, classmates or stores?


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2008, 07:10:58 am »

I think it is generally more profitable (in social link, of course) to sell them to classmate. However I don't know much of this (only Junior High School economy. But that is enough to make a store, it seemed to be). Still, only sell them if:a) You, Kagus, has few money and need to buy/spend it on something. b)Your classmate really needs them. However I know only few about condom (And I don't intend to know better until I'm matured....)



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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2008, 08:46:32 am »

Yeah, per-condom sales were the intended business plan.  I can sell them for roughly half the price they'd normally go for here, and still make a lot of profit.  And profit is always a reason in and of itself.  Even though I don't need the money right now, who knows when I might be in a jam for some cash?

Besides, safe sex is a good thing to promote.  And it's likely that potential customers will view the purchase of condoms from a fellow student to be more confidential than going to a store and picking up a batch.  And when it comes to condoms or other sex products, people will set a rather amusingly high price on anonymity.

Well, I just got back from film class.  We got split into three groups, and each group had to make two different movies.  The first one had to be filmed entirely in one take, the second one had to be taken in clips (no moving of the camera allowed.  You want another view, you need to cut).  No time to edit, just turn the camera on and off and hope for the best.

Naturally, with no prior experience in moviemaking, the results were rather abominable.  But they were remarkably good if you consider the situations they were made under.

There's your "just stopping by" update.  I'm heading off to the rec room where I will fumble around for something to do.  Again.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2008, 09:33:48 am »

Argh! My eyes! Must not read ***!

Arm-ok, forgive me! Argh! I have broken the rules!



Hmm, movies.... Well, I myself is a novel/manga person myself....
Still, it IS hard if you never practice (I have tried making a movie myself, a very, very, short movie. Like 2 minutes. Using Cellphones. The result? Just Nothing. Nothing. hahahahaha. I doesn't even filmed the action. I missed.)
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