There's a little bit of Leadership for recruiting people, but that's not where the big experience is at. The big gains come from long term management of successful Liberals. A Liberal's immediate superior gets "interest" on all juice gained above 50 in the form of Leadership experience. It has to be above 50 though -- so just recruiting hippies to act as activists isn't worth anything. With multiple subordinates gaining juice, you can gain a lot of Leadership in this way.
A second consideration is that any given Liberal's maximum Leadership skill is determined by their juice, and it's very steep as far as the cap goes. They can't even get a single level of it unless they're at 50 juice.
Note that the point at which you can teach them Leadership is the same as the point at which you start getting Leadership from your existing characters. If you want them to have more than one point of Leadership each, you'll have to get them a lot of juice that will cross over into your Leadership skill.
The result of this combination is that it's doubly important to have strong, high juice subordinates if you want to have a lot of people with Leadership skill.
Leadership is the type of skill that if you forget about it and play a strong game with a lot of strong characters in your group that go on a lot of site actions, you'll soon find that most of your recruiters have it. If you sit around and play your hand very Conservatively by not doing much dangerous or criminal, you'll have weak Leadership skill, even if you try to work at it. It rewards being gutsy. Even if you do a lot of recruitment, you won't be able to level Leadership up very far without juice, and that comes from taking risks and going out on site actions.
[ May 20, 2008: Message edited by: Jonathan S. Fox ]