Actually, Svirfneblim, I could use a little bit of help with descriptions. What I'm doing is enabling your writers to write news articles, opinion pieces, and attack stories with the intent of publishing them in the Liberal Guardian at the end of the month. So far, each character who is currently [A]ctivated to write for the Liberal Guardian writes a random story each day. Eventually these stories will be saved, and you'll pick a selection of them at the end of the month to publish. Right now though, the generator for stories is incomplete.
So far it writes out this:
1. Name of the writer:
"Bob Greene writes "
"My Name Here writes "
2. A quality description, with about 80 different possibilities:
"a powerful"
"a dreadful"
"a stereotypical"
3. A article/story type. There are 3 main types, and then the actual words used vary a bit:
" rant against "
" explanation of "
" column on "
4. A description of the topic of the article. This is dependent on what kind of article it is, and I'd also like to have a couple variations on each topic. This is what I need help with, and I need three kinds of descriptions here:
A - Descriptions of things to be discussed persuasively. Can be good or neutral. Should be able to fit in a sentence like...
"Joe writes a sassy essay about <something>."
"Jane writes an insane opinion about <something>."
B - Descriptions of Conservative things to rail against. Can be people, viewpoints, anything that can fit in a sentence like...
"Joe writes a half-baked rant against <something>."
"Jane writes a brilliant condemnation of <something>."
C - Some way of describing news stories created by the LCS. I was thinking something like "...recent LCS actions at <location>" would be easy, but you can get creative if you'd like.
"Joe writes a boring news article about <something>."
"Jane writes a run-of-the-mill explanation of <something>."
The issues to be covered in parts A and B are:
Gay Rights
The Death Penalty
Nuclear Power
Animal Research
Police Behavior
Intelligence Community / Privacy
Free Speech
Genetic Research
Appointing Liberal Justices
Corporate Culture / Unions
CEO Corruption / CEO Salary
AM Radio
Cable News
How you do part C (if you do it) is more open; it would also be cool to do things that would allow them to write responses to the major front page news stories that aren't about the LCS (police beating, plant meltdown, pro-reagan book, etc..)
You're welcome to do as much or as little as you like, but as far as descriptions go, that's the kind of thing that would really help flesh things out right now. At the moment they're actually reduced to writing rants against celebrity marriages and thoughtful opinions on the weather!