What the...damnit.
Another broken saveMade in a perfectly ordinary way by accidentally pressing X
It segfaults as soon as the game tries to load. There should probably be checks to make sure the files the game is writing/reading is sane before it splodes mysteriously.
What the...a Secretary just knocked 25 of my main character's teeth out(I caught the message) as an Urban Commando...that does not seem right. Can you even hit 25 teeth at once? Let alone knock them out..damn, I should have kidnapped her to find out her stats.
Another save - This one made automatically and segfaulted upon loading after I got crushed into a cube while driving(probably irrelevent) -- I think these two are connected.
Yet another -- This time it's nothing but a perfectly ordinary squad of hippies.(who again died) But two of them were in the hospital. I seem to recall people being in the hospital for the other crashes too. Maybe it has something to do with it?
I decided to try the game in windows. O_O There's alot more stuff missing in the linux version than I thought there was. How hard would it be to make the windows code portable?
Also, Bug: When your compound is under siege and you wait, anyone inside gets teleported to safety in the homeless shelter ^_^ Cute, but, probably not intended.
Facilities still get dismantled if you give up.
O_O And why would the corporations have raided an apartment to execute a sweatshop worker? Once he made Akira a guard uniform to break a hacker out of life imprisonment, I left him there alone for a few months before the corporations executed him(I assumed it was just the police coming to deport him..)
-- Getting arrested for kidnapping a police officer doesn't result in a charge. I disbanded the squad to avoid the weirdness and got hit with harmful speech 
Uhm...doesn't || mean Or? So..if either a random number between 1 and your sleepers isn't less than 1, or a random number between 0 and 39 is 0... you get a warning from a ceo? I like the possibility of a CEO giving you a warning even if you don't have a sleeper though
"I'm a big fan, and I don't want you to die!"
Your comment above agent sleepers refers to corp raids instead of CIA raids.
if(bury.size()>0)addstr("Some Liberals have");
else {addstr(bury[0]->name);addstr(" has");}
addstr(" been while disposing of bodies.");
People can Move to the free clinic while under siege. Probably not supposed to happen(But I need every advantage I can get to drive off corporate mercenaries with 9 hackers...well..3 now. -- Oh, nevermind. I can leave now too. I drove them off for the day.
[ June 13, 2007: Message edited by: Xavior ]