1) Any benefit to car theft other than access to outskirts?If you have a good driver in your squad, it can. Otherwise, not really. If you cause a big ruckus and don't get out quickly enough, you'll likely get pursued. Having a car or not determines whether there's a foot chase or a car chase. Car chases have the advantage in that you only have to worry about the skill of the best driver in the car, and naturally a very good driver will get a lot out of a very fast car. Combining them will provide you extra insurance against a close shave: if your liberals are already shot up, they can't run fast, but if all they're asked to do is sit in the back of a car and bleed, they're as fast as the car, and that saves lives -- assuming the driver can avoid smearing the entire squad across the pavement.
2) What do the investments do for the safe houses? I think I know for some, but I've really no idea for others (Power Generator?), so please just gimme a rundown.
Siege Fortification: Dissuades police from assaulting the compound directly. Eventually they'll get impatient, but in the mean time, you can sit around and wait them out if you have the rations. This may be somewhat useful for gaining publicity.
Security Cameras: If attempting to escape or engage, and you pull up the map, you'll be able to spot all of the attackers at any time and maybe even plan for how to avoid some.
Generator: If the police disconnect you from the power grid, you'll lose the lights in the compound. This will deprive you of prior knowledge of all the static information on the map. A generator ensures you've always got a little backup.
Printing Press: Enables you to publish the Liberal Guardian, which is most notable for publishing secret corporate documents, and any of several other special items you may be able to dig up... once I get another update out, it'll also enable you to tell people to write news articles, attack essays, and other information. That's currently unreleased and unfinished, and may undergo some changes.
Business Front: Makes it much harder for the police to track you down. Much harder.
Booby Traps: Can immobilize attackers, making them easy to evade, and if you do want or need to engage them, they tend to be pretty busted up by the trap.
Tank Traps: For the particularly belligerent revolutionary who has demonstrated that they are well beyond anything that mere law enforcement can handle...
3) What's the difference if any, between the University Hospital and the Free Clinic?
None right now, actually.
4) When viewing a squad, skills are listed as #/#, what is the second number for?
The first number (as you probably figured out) is the sum of all the skills that the squad member has. The second number indicates how many of those skill points are in the relevant weapon skill used by their primary weapon. Their physical attributes, the nature of the weapon used (for example, there's a big difference in power between the .22 revolver and the .44 magnum revolver), and other factors will also play a role. But all else being equal, someone who is (7/5) is often considerably more dangerous in combat than someone who is (18/0).
[ June 04, 2007: Message edited by: Jonathan S. Fox ]