Well, hehe, I replied a little later than I would’ve wanted to but at least I wrote the decent reply had thought of... Well, This Pre-Christmas week was a little bit crazy but now I’ve finished everything I had to do in the inmidiate time so I could sink myself into the pleasures of Liberalism and Crime

-The interrogation mode!!! Wow! (even thought I havent be able to work it out yet)
- And rearrainging the interfaces with the abilities always visible, That makes it much more fun because you can act in consequence. -
- Awesome recruiting mode, it takes longer and its far more real than building an army of transients, crack heads, prostitutes and highschool dropouts in one day. And the get Gun Feature, its great!! But youll have to check out the enabled buttons to press because right now I can press the h in the screen were you can offer them to do community service even though the option is not there and make him buy a weapon. Also, id rather have the original “This guy is not LCS material send him home” option with the letter h and not c, because it can get mixed when youre a pressing a lot of recruited guys to get a weapon, It happened to me because Im a fast presser

. Oh! And the Someone’s ahead message comes real handy too, I never miss important people now.
- THANKS for the conservative replies to topics, it makes it so much funnier to be able to talk to Conservatives and receive comments from moderates instead of just “No.” <Turns>. When I first read from a moderate College Student “People deserve to die” it was superb.
- Great Alarm System Of Massive Response... Scary Thought.
(I haven’t played enough for a decent review, Couldn’t manage to get a sleeper... douh!)
-Sleepers can enter squads as in the previous versions?
-f they do. What happens when they rescue or convert someone?
-Where is theyre new homebase? If its like in the previous versions the new homebase
-should be the sleepers place and then the police wont raid them there, is that fixed?
-How does the chain of command exactly work now? It was so frustrating before, that you lost your entire squad even if Your leader went to jail for a month.
-I got to be a Prisoner for life and it just hung out there as if triying to solve the resolution of a Disband, but it never reached a conclussion (15 minutes waiting) so I guess it just hung in some way.
Here are the bugs I remember encountering....
-It says no arm but if you review the character you can see that it has a damaged leg...
Well.... Happy Christmas and Merry Holidays (mmmmm) Or whatever conservatives say at this time of year ([BUY! BUY! BUY]).
PS1: Please look over the compatibility problem with Win 98, it’s the system of my home PC so... help!
PS2: By the way, I don’t know if you ever considered making a translation of the game but if you ever want a spanish translation of the game: I’m your man. Just give me a dump text file with the in-game texts and voila! I’ll translate them. Can be a bit hard to translate some jokes thought...
PS3: I’m surely forgetting about something....