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Author Topic: Starting a "no mining" challenge  (Read 8787 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2008, 08:57:52 pm »

Are you OK with having no access to water in the winter, if you embark somewhere temperate or colder?  If not, allow yourself to build a subterranean cistern.

Don't bring an axe, or any construction materials.  Your first year, you'll be stuck sleeping on the ground, drinking from the stream, and gathering or growing plants.  Bootstrap up from there.

I'm not sure that would actually be fun, but it would be a challenge.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2008, 01:00:17 pm »

Ok guys, serious now, i'm having very troublesome world genning issues.

what parameters do i have to set to give myself what i want? i can't tell you how many worlds i've genned and searched through just to find this single combination!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2008, 02:58:36 pm »

I had a no mining fort once, in the days before mass-designated constructions. It was tedious and thankless, which isn't a bad thing in DF for the most part.
I suggest a reduced mining fort, intended to allow you get small amounts of stone and ore while minimizing underground dwelling. Consider some of these rules:
Tiles should only be mined  if you have a specific use for the stone in mind. Tiles containing ore or gems could be an exception. Exploratory mining is only possible if you have a large rock construction in mind.
Dwarves may only eat or sleep in rooms with at least one wall facing an outdoor tile that has at least one window, glass wall tile or vertical bar. This allows for constructed buildings as well as natural stone buildings mined out of the mountain (or built into cliff faces). Workshops and storage areas could be allowed one or two levels below a building's ground floor, depending on your taste.
Your dwarves have elf like feelings for the "living rock". Mining ("bought" from the gods by the tile) is only allowed at a very steep cost, such as dwarven sacrifice or a significant offering of booze.
Variant: Dwarven mining requires the use of explosives that have a certain cost, preferably combining several obscure workshops such as asheries to make sure the skill gained doesn't benefit you too much. This implies that the explosives are for peaceful purposes only, but you could extend this cost to crossbow bolts, making the  flesh rending rockets a tad more expensive to make.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2008, 04:30:39 pm »

yeah, hey, great advice, but i'm not gonna worry about mining, alright? don't worry though, i'll keep myself entertained.

alright, i found the spot i was looking for, and it was a great game. even though it only lasted for one season. my two axedwarves i brought on embark died to skeletal fire imps that had the uncanny ability to frickin' snipe a dwarf at 40 yards with fireballs. I got back at'em though, i killed all those damn skeletal fire imps. one of'em left a corpse though, i didn't think they could do that.

things were looking good until a freakishly strong skeletal alligator broke down the doors to my huts and singlehandedly murdered all my dwarves, one by one.

it was sad, because the last dwarf it killed (it had been named "blowedroots" by this time) was resting from an injury it recieved from the skeletal fire imps, and couldn't defend himself at all.

time to reclaim!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2008, 05:51:36 pm »

Got the seeds for this place?  Sounds like fun!

I'm having the concept of a no-mining fortress in a swamp with a magma pipe.  No trading for stone, either.  The goal: build a shiny fortress out of obsidian.  I'd allow myself the ability to build a well into the aquifer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2008, 06:56:55 pm »

Got the seeds for this place?  Sounds like fun!

I'm having the concept of a no-mining fortress in a swamp with a magma pipe.  No trading for stone, either.  The goal: build a shiny fortress out of obsidian.  I'd allow myself the ability to build a well into the aquifer.

sure thing Benoit. some things to note though. the only things i really changed on the parameters are that the number of civs are maxed out, the megabeasts percentages are screwed with, the minimum volcanism is raised to 15, and the desired number of evil squares is completely huge. Like, half of the whole map is evil.

you'll get alot of rejects, but thats normal, this is crazy stuff.

this is where My fort is, you'll notice that i not only got everything i want, i also got a Brook out of the deal.

heres the Parameters i used.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2008, 08:35:15 pm »

ya know, if you translated Usansedil, you'd know that i named my fort "MurderedAngels", and apparently i named it very frickin' appropriately. so yeah, i got wiped again, in less than a season too.

Apparently those skeletal fire imps are respawned when you reclaim. great.

i set two of my axe dwarves to guard the magma pipe again, but i see another one of those skeletal alligators and i instead decide to take revenge against it. one dead dwarf and several dead war dogs later, i've defeated it. great.

another one spawns immediately to replace it. great.

i set the lone axedwarf to defend the magma pipe again, and the moment he gets to his patrol point, he's met by the Skeletal fire imps, and is dragged into the lava, great.

the battle created a wildfire, great.

the ensuing chaos of me trying to get my dwarves inside the only completed hut, then realizing the door is broken, then ushering them outside to quickly replace the door, then drafting them and ordering them to go inside, then 2 of them running STRAIGHT INTO THE FIRE to go pick up there equipment, and i'm left with 2 dead dwarves, and 3 firmly locked inside the food storage hut as the world burns outside. great.

while locked inside the hut, the resident planter is so miserable he tantrums, and thus kills a donkey and severely injuring my last war dog. great.

after the fire is out and the dwarves are released, the resident planter tantrums several more times and kills the remainder of my animals in the process, great.

the LAST fire imp pops his filthy head out, and in my determination to kill his kind, i send the nearest dwarf to dispatch him. who immediately dives into the lava. great.

SURPRISE! I was so wrapped up in all of those events that i wasn't keeping track of the skeletal alligator, and he's right in the middle of my base before i know it. He kills my last two dwarves like they're nothing. great.

this challenge may be alot harder than i bargained for. FANTASTIC!

time to reclaim again.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Danger Magnet
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2008, 08:49:40 pm »

"I lost again....RECLAIM!!!"

"I lost again....RECLAIM!!!"

"I lost again....RECLAIM!!!"

"I lost again....RECLAIM!!!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2008, 06:19:12 am »

Yep! I think thats exactly what the spirit of the game intends!

I just hope that i don't depopulate the world of dwarves, if thats possible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2008, 06:45:28 am »

As I understand it, and I may be completely off...

On reclaimation, any opposition on the map will get respawned, regardless of whether it was dead or not. Undead spawn in big numbers.

Each reclaimation attempt is going to net you more and more undead.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #25 on: December 01, 2008, 06:58:28 am »

As I understand it, and I may be completely off...

On reclaimation, any opposition on the map will get respawned, regardless of whether it was dead or not. Undead spawn in big numbers.

Each reclaimation attempt is going to net you more and more undead.

In other words, I have alot of FUN in store for me, right?

Time Kitten

  • Bay Watcher
  • Evil Spirit
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2008, 11:03:24 am »

tsk tsk.  You people are planning on MINING the obsidian!

I think a better way is to cast it with all your rooms in a negative mold.

If you screw up, you;re just screwed, since you can't mine it back out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2008, 12:54:40 pm »

tsk tsk.  You people are planning on MINING the obsidian!
Who ever said that?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2008, 02:04:43 pm »

you did Benoit, you said you wanted to make a "shiny fortress out of obsidian", not that it matters at all.

Third times the charm guys, my newest reclaim party is having STUNNING success. I blame the fact that my party had 14 dwarves instead of 7.

I cut the populace in half and had 7 axedwarves patrolling edge of the magma pipe, and the other seven converted into citizens and set to collecting all the stuff strewn about from the last reclaim party, and making general repairs to the buildings.

while one of the axedwarves and a handful of wardogs took lava-diving up as a hobby, the other six were able to exterminate all the skeletal fire imps without much incident.

well, their was ONE incident. a skeletal fire imp with the name of Kindleswims that had terrorized my last reclaim party popped up to say HI in a ambush. one of my axedwarves dispatched him, but it was a real close call. the Axedwarf in question, Shorast was her name, had received major wounds when approaching him and was about to be finished off. Fortunately she suddenly went into a rage and mustered the strength to smash the little asshole to pieces. too bad she sustained minor brain injury in the process.

with a professional team of axedwarves around, the skeletal alligators weren't as intimidating as they used to be. It was funny, when my axedwarves encountered one, they hit the Skeletal alligator and it EXPLODED! Bones flew everywhere. it was magnificent.

they got rid of the first two, and the third decided not to attack and eventually left the map. oddly enough a regular alligator (as in, not undead) has appeared to replace it. very odd, i was certain that this place was comprised 100% of haunted biomes.

so i've made it to summer and things are going pretty smooth so far. glass industry is up to a shaky start, but once i get some immigrants to do the bitchwork, everything is going to be dandy.

I can already see the magnificent tower made entirely of clear glass. It's far away, but I can see it!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting a "no mining" challenge
« Reply #29 on: December 01, 2008, 07:20:39 pm »

man, those skeletal alligators are a trip man!

some of them are WEAK! like, a single wardog one-shots them.

others are STRONG, like my best axedwarf and all his wardogs are SLAUGHTERED by a single one.

I have a feeling that they're getting smarter. They keep going for the head knowing that my dwarves aren't wearing helmets. My best are incapicitated and killed in seconds, it's terrible.

If i could just make my retarded dwarfs mob them in groups, it wouldn't be such a problem. Unfortunately, any dwarf in a squad will either:

A) forget that i've given them orders and return to the barracks as they're marching.
B) bail for food and drink as they're reaching the enemy
C) Not respond to orders at all
D) Somehow lose their wardogs, even though they should be alive and following them.

all of this makes it hard to mob those damn skeletal alligators.

still only 3 casualties so far, but two living dwarfs are brain damaged, no casualties to civilians yet though!. So far, i only have 1 active axedwarf, with another axedwarf recovering from a sparring accident to his leg. every other axedwarf is either dead, or brain damaged.
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