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Author Topic: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.  (Read 1731112 times)


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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11190 on: October 09, 2013, 10:47:49 pm »

awwwww, when did the Priest class get cut? Was looking forward to some Hill Orc Shenanigans.


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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11191 on: October 09, 2013, 11:09:18 pm »

awwwww, when did the Priest class get cut? Was looking forward to some Hill Orc Shenanigans.

A hill orc gets the option to convert whenever they encounter a orc priest


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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11192 on: October 09, 2013, 11:36:08 pm »

Ooh, that's nifty. Duly noted.

Akhier the Dragon hearted

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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11193 on: October 10, 2013, 12:59:57 am »

   So I have a question. A few times I have had a weapon and the next step up for that type of weapon (IE have a hand ax and war axe) and the lower tier one has some pluses on it or such. Is it better to stay with the plus one or should I switch up? Should I wait till I have the required skill for min delay? Any tips would be welcomed.

   Also since I am setting up the teams for the tournament it behouves me to remind you all to head on over and sign up if you have not yet. One spot in Champions is still open and two in Miners. The Champions slot I would rather hand to someone that has won the game but if push comes to shove I want the teams to all be filled so I just need three more people.
   Also no one of beginner level skills has joined yet. Even if you don't place high people will see the Bay12 in your teams name and know where you came from so any one persons glory is all of ours. Even if we don't end up getting the Soapers team filled it will be a fun time. There are achievements that you can aim for whether your just picking up the game or you've won enough games to have a win rate above the decimals.
The thread for the tournament is HERE, come and sign up!
Join us. The crazy is at a perfect temperature today.
So it seems I accidentally put my canteen in my wheelbarrow and didn't notice... and then I got really thirsty... so right before going to sleep I go to take a swig from my canteen and... end up snorting a line of low-grade meth.


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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11194 on: October 10, 2013, 06:21:49 am »

You can now convert to Beogh if there's an orc priest present, so losing priest doesn't really matter.


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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11195 on: October 10, 2013, 10:56:38 am »

   So I have a question. A few times I have had a weapon and the next step up for that type of weapon (IE have a hand ax and war axe) and the lower tier one has some pluses on it or such. Is it better to stay with the plus one or should I switch up? Should I wait till I have the required skill for min delay? Any tips would be welcomed.

No particular wisdom myself, but I know Leafsnail linked to a spreadsheet that seems like it would solve your problems:

You know, I find it strange that nobody has thought yet to stick modified weapon stats somewhere in the interface. It would resolve so much inconvenience with researching weapon, armour and shield skills.
There's a useful spreadsheet you can download here:

I haven't used it myself, I don't have Excel on my computer so it didn't really work for me.


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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11196 on: October 10, 2013, 01:15:08 pm »


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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11197 on: October 10, 2013, 01:33:29 pm »

You could use something like Libre Office. It actually sucks pretty bad compared to MS Office but at least you can open files and manipulate them.

Better than Google Spreadsheet anyway.
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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11198 on: October 10, 2013, 01:37:25 pm »

I use OpenOffice for my spreadsheet purposes, which works fine unless there's something with a lot of macros and elaborate formulas, in which case minor syntax differences somewhere invariable screw the whole thing up.

Akhier the Dragon hearted

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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11199 on: October 10, 2013, 06:04:56 pm »

   That spreadsheet looks interesting though it doesn't seem like it is quite up to date unless nothing has really changed with weapon damage mechanics. If thats true then it would be quite the tool to use.

   In other news there are now enough people for 3 teams +1 extra person so I think I will have a wild card team. If you aren't planning on playing much or you just missed all my posts about signing up for a team come on by and join. 5 more people and Bay12 will manage to field 4 full teams in the 0.13 release tournament which will be one of our bigger turnouts or it. Also while we have enough to fill 3 teams technically we still have a slot on the Champions team open though someone in Blacksmith is qualified to be moved up to it if you have the skill to win the game come on by and join up for that slot.

The thread for teams is HERE!
Join us. The crazy is at a perfect temperature today.
So it seems I accidentally put my canteen in my wheelbarrow and didn't notice... and then I got really thirsty... so right before going to sleep I go to take a swig from my canteen and... end up snorting a line of low-grade meth.

Mr Space Cat

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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11200 on: October 10, 2013, 09:47:57 pm »

So that searing ray spell they used to replace force lance? It's pretty great. Way better than force lance was, it's some rather reliable damage output for a small bit of mana compared to Mystic Blast, and it's really efficient at crowd control when the enemies are all lined up. Combined with Battlesphere you can blast a crowd of four or five mobs to bits in a few turns with minimal mana investment. It's great for early game, though I've yet to try it in later levels.

Conjurers are pretty fun to play now. Currently playing a GarCj of Sif Muna, on DL:7 at XL:9. Gargoyles are either decent at Conjurers or Conjurer's spells are just really reliable, but I'm doing way better than any GarEE I've played.
Made a new account that I use instead of this one. Don't message this one, I'm probably not gonna use it.

New account: Spehss _

Delta Foxtrot

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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11201 on: October 11, 2013, 03:22:20 am »

Not wanting to be the one who talks offtopic in How Did You Last Die thread, I'll drop this here.
*Gargoyle Conjurer lost to a goliath beetle*

Problem wasn't that you didn't wait to regen your health (although it's a good thing to do in general). The problem was that you basically meleed a goliath beetle with a mage. Goliath beetles are slow. You're a conjurer. Just keep your distance from enemies and blow them up with your battle magicks.

Akhier the Dragon hearted

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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11202 on: October 11, 2013, 03:30:30 am »

   Kobold conjurer has been teaching me to be careful. Not exactly the best race to play conj with but I like being able to eat my fill of my kills as it lets me always rest without fear of food rotting. After all it is hard for food to rot if its already in your stomach.

   In other news ~12 hours till the tournament starts. We have enough people for 3 full teams but there is another guy who would like to join but its hard to be a team of one. If we could even get two or three more people at least it will be a team with people. As a bonus the team name is Bay12 Nobles. Please come and Sign Up Here.
Join us. The crazy is at a perfect temperature today.
So it seems I accidentally put my canteen in my wheelbarrow and didn't notice... and then I got really thirsty... so right before going to sleep I go to take a swig from my canteen and... end up snorting a line of low-grade meth.

Akhier the Dragon hearted

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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11203 on: October 11, 2013, 03:13:29 pm »

The 0.13 Release Tournament has Started
   Sorry for the double post but this seemed vaguely important to announce so here it is. The OP of the tournament thread has a link to each teams page if your interested and we are still looking for people as you can join a team until the 19th. As it is we have one guy all by himself so don't be afraid to come on by and join up.

Come see the thread and Sign Up here
Join us. The crazy is at a perfect temperature today.
So it seems I accidentally put my canteen in my wheelbarrow and didn't notice... and then I got really thirsty... so right before going to sleep I go to take a swig from my canteen and... end up snorting a line of low-grade meth.

Mr Space Cat

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Re: Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Or: THAT DAMN SIGMUND.
« Reply #11204 on: October 11, 2013, 04:18:02 pm »

Not wanting to be the one who talks offtopic in How Did You Last Die thread, I'll drop this here.
*Gargoyle Conjurer lost to a goliath beetle*

Problem wasn't that you didn't wait to regen your health (although it's a good thing to do in general). The problem was that you basically meleed a goliath beetle with a mage. Goliath beetles are slow. You're a conjurer. Just keep your distance from enemies and blow them up with your battle magicks.

That's what I was doing, blasting it in the face with searing ray. Searing Ray requires you to stay still a few turns to charge it, hence why I didn't kite it. Problem is there was only a few tiles between me and the beetle when it turned the corner. I should've retreated into a more open area for my battlesphere to support me, but I was cocky and figured I'd kill it before it could hit me, since I had just blasted a bunch of orcs and killer bees to death. YASD.


Anyway, after numerous other conjurer deaths to that damn Sigmund --*shakes fist*-- I have another GrCj (that's the abbreviation right?) that's doing well so far.

On DL:2 I found ice dragon hide and a book of the earth. I also found a +2 Robes of the ArchMagi. On Dungeon level 2. I think this is even sweeter than finding crystal plate mail for a melee dude on DL:2. Jeez, I feel like I need to sacrifice a goat to the RNG or something.
Made a new account that I use instead of this one. Don't message this one, I'm probably not gonna use it.

New account: Spehss _
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