I play soprano (range up to the C two octaves above middle C) down to tenor (which goes down to middle C). I'll probably get a bass recorder sooner or later, so the range would go down to the F below middle C. I'm not sure about getting a group together, but I have the tools to record multiple tracks and put them together. I'll see what I can do though. I'm not much of a composer, but if someone can provide the music, I'd be happy to help.
Yeah, I'll write the music, but I need you to play. Soprano, Tenor, and Bass would be great, and if you can't get a group then multi-tracking by yourself should be enough.
I play the double bass and could probably get my hands on a microphone or something, if that's any use.
Hmm, not that I look it up, the Viol did have a contrabass version called the Violone which was replaced by the bass. So sure, you can join.
well, assuming we just play some music you send, record it, and send back the recording, I could probably help. I play the baritone horn (which sounds like a trombone, which sort of sounds like a sacbut) and I'm learning the trombone.
I know what a baritone is, and it would probably work moderately well as a Sacbut if you can't manage the Trombone yet. I would prefer Trombone, but I take them as I can get them. You have the right idea, I send you the music and you record solo or with a recording, depending on what's available and how you wanna do it. Then I'll mix them together.
EDIT: I'm thinking the baritone might be a good analog for the Serpent. Not sure on that though.
it might be cool to have music themes for the environment which is currently at the center of the view.
Or generated on the fly (to make it more 'interesting'
like a live theme combined from various channels: lead + tempo + ambient
I'm pretty sure that would only work with MIDI sounds, epsecially for things like tempo. If I speed up the tempo on a recording then the sound will get distorted, but I can write for things like battle, peace, working, etc. Just different scenarios that crop up. Maybe even one for magma or chasms, and definately an evil one for the HFS.
When i made my mega toy mod (Go Me!) someone made a mega instrument mod adding tons of instruments to the game.
So lets make some music!!!! I never f9inished the rap song i made for the rap contest, well the music was done just not the second and third verse. Ill make some stuff and upload it, I have ADD so take it and do as you will................
Pretty sure they didn't have rap in the Middle Ages. Sorry...
I'm a pretty decent keyboard player, so I could help out with the organ and harpsichord parts.
I'll have to hear it first.

But your in.
So what sort of material are you looking for, exactly? Whole songs with multiple instruments...'event' music...single-instrument tracks as part of one long common song? Because it would be great to say "Okay, here's instrument A, and B, and D, and we'll play them all together".
Basically, ambient music, event music, solos, and band music. The solos and band music would be the one where making dwarven musicians would matter, but if you don't want to do that then there's always the complete background music so everyone gets something. But you always get more if you work for it, just like the rest of the game. All in the late Medieval/early Renaissance style of course.
I'll be adding a list of people on the first post shortly. EDIT: Done.