Dwarf Fortress > DF Modding

mayday, mayday!


I need some help with mayday's graphic set. I have a 12 in. macbook, and the screen is showing up way to large. what init.txt do I change in order to make the window smaller, so as it fits on my screen?

Do you run fullscreen or not? You need to play with the x and y settings in init.txt for whatever setup you have (graphics yes or no, windowed yes or no).

--- Quote ---This is the size and font for windowed mode.  Changing to 800x600 and the 800x600 font might make you happier.


Full screen info.


If this is set to YES, the tiles will not be stretched, but rather the game view will be centralized, surrounded by black space.  Tiles that are too large will always be compressed rather than running off the screen.


Graphics info, most of it as above.  Set GRAPHICS to YES to turn it all on.  This will use the "raw/graphics" folder for tile information.  Currently this is limited to whatever creature graphics you have downloaded.  The game comes with a few pictures to demonstrate.  As of July 2008, the Dwarf Fortress Wiki has graphical tilesets available at http://www.dwarffortresswiki.net/index.php/List_of_user_graphics_sets.

--- End quote ---

You need to change:




Here is the minimum settings for windowed:


Edit: To make it even SMALLER than that, you will need to find a smaller tileset/different graphics pack. Mayday's is 16x16 (16x80=1280 and 16x25=400) so if it STILL doesn't fit, I would check out:

http://www.dwarffortresswiki.net/index.php/Graphics#12.C3.9712_square_graphics_sets (12x80=960 and 12x25=300)


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