Boss Knight? Well i would, but my complete inability to draw someone as awesome as Boss Knight would be an insult to him, Logrin and the entirety of Bay12. That doesn't mean i'm not going to try at some point though, Danes like me are already infamous for inadvertently insulting everyone anyways.

(well hey, we make fun of every single known face in our own country, it's borderline tradition (caricatures in particular are ubiquitous and hilarious (though apparently the middle east didn't think so)))
In any case, i need to establish Hamstones level of ham even more before he gets to meet Boss Knight, because such an encounter would surely end in a calhamity of unprecedented scale. Or maybe they would rock the world in the most hamazing team-up ever???
p.s. i regret none of these puns, and by Odin there is so much more to come that you will groan yourself hoarse
p.p.s. i mean it in the most positive way when i call Boss Knight hammy because he is the bossest of all knights i have yet to seeThe main concern about Hamstone is that he's really hard to make into an effective adventurer in DF. A wall of granite is a fair approximation (it can crush people and is made of granite), but Hamstone moves around by his own power! But if you're cool with me posting entirely made-up adventures, then i shall proceed. I'll probably also proceed if you're not cool with it.