My dear Armok! Construction couldn't be done at any quicker a pace! This is utterly amazing! This'll be a longshot from the "toy" ship (as pointed by little Zas) I had with me at nearly all times.
We have already established the base of our ship, our bottom deck. From here, we should be able to safely rally our materials for further construction as time passes. We have disengaged the starter beam, seeing as it poses a bit of a hazard, being a 2-step construction built rather high.
Our old friends from Enemenisa (Elves) have visited lately. For a share of our famous Plump Helmet Roasts, about 38 of them, We've gotten many materials we much needed, as well as many more seeds cloth, a replica of our ship (not the project analog), arrows, and etc.; as well as some redroot dye to help make our flags.
It seems they don't mind our production thus far. No complaints; but I guess we're sticking to some sort of limit unwittingly? Anyhow, we have fans of our project, and that's nice.
An ambush occurred RIGHT AT THE MOTHER-CARPING SITE!!!! Nobody was prepared! We're down to 19 dwarves now. WE. NEED. HELP!!!
Correction, make that 16 now. The 6 of us remaining from the original expedition, Kid-Genius Zas, and our crafters. At least we still have a building crew. As for unfortunate Minkot, he was fortunate to have been unconscious when he got pierced through his back, into his heart by the pikeman (that bastard is still alive.

). Kulet has almost met his lover again, had it not been time for that bastard to return from whence he came.
Unfortunately, NOW of all times, we finally got our well setup in order to minimize these encounters.
Damn it all, With the "dye" of our comrades, we can paint the outside of our ship with it in their honor. When the time comes, justice will come down upon those who wronged us like the fist of our angry god; our ship will be his divine enforcer; His gauntlet.
Milord The ship will now be forever christened as the "Bloodfist, the Sky-Fortress of God". But I personally consider "Armok's Gauntlet" to be more fitting to the justice that'll rain from the heavens.
We are at carping war with those damned goblins. They will pay for the blood they've spilled with their own!!! Milord I
request no, I DEMAND we have troops oversee our project and guard it well.
It's about damn time those new recruits arrived. I'll be assessing our new blood right now...
Here's the list of what we have that's new:
6 Peasants
Soap maker
Fish Cleaner
Potash Maker
Fishery Worker
2 Stonecrafters
Gem Setter
1 Cat
2 Horse foals
1 Mule
Which totals to 38 dwarves here. and 4 new pets.
Let's see... 38 (total) - 16 (of us) = 22 (new recruits). I'll get a little more background info on them later.
As for the post-mortem report (our brave warriors):
Ilral Ecemsodel (Tubeshield), "Broken Mirror" Minkot Morulgamil (Pagetrusts), Degel Okolkikrost (Voicestockade), Besmar Asteshorrun (Cudgelroar), and Tulon Taronathel (Yellring). They will be remembered in a ceremonious pyre, and their likeness etched in our memorial; after their blood has been drained to stain our construction a glorious tint. The pride, blood, sweat, and tears that go into this project.
They have all died fine deaths, and will be missed.
Olin Stinthadgur (Theatherbowel) has been in a rather crappy mood lately. I wouldn't blame him. Most of our hamlet DID come under attack. Those damn elves must've lured the goblins, I've concluded. We'll have to avoid trading with them from now on. They brought nothing but bad luck since they arrived.
Good news, the bottom-most deck has been completed, and the structure is plenty stable. We're working on the mechanics of the gateway system and are also planning on moving our trade depot to within the ship, where we can monitor, and lock out the invaders if they persist.
--Foreman, "Cid" Kalrethdakost
IT HAS BEGUN!!!P.S.- I had another dream about that... crystal thing. Think of it as a hyper-advanced abacus, only it does all the calculations at light speeds. With a bit of gold, copper, crystals and gems aligned properly, this ship could even operate on it's own. I've heard names uttered about such things in my dreams; The name that came to mind the most is "Chenjesu".