We're nearing commencement of our airship production. I have made requests to the liaison for more basic supplies for any future workers sent to assist in this grand undertaking (Armok-willing).
Fikod "Scrooge" Kolemath (Wheeledbanded), my dear friend, has arrived; and has reminded me our old economy lessons from ages past. I recall my old appraisal skills again. Of course, we'll be discussing matters of our operation's funding as well. But of course, she has been of some assistance. She has informed me that our mechanisms are very well crafted. Nearly a work of mastery. Something we should sell if we have any in excess (which we fortunately have more than enough of). Unfortunately, we're reserving some of our best works for the construction of our future parts. Then again, I have been advised that according to our production rates of these things; they're a piece apiece.

So, feeling sort-of generous, I'm allowing it. We don't need them all immediately, and the spares can be used for any future projects, like an outdoor shower. If we're going to ply the skies, we can't adapt to our earthbound home too much. No offense to our kind, mind you. It is all in necessity if we want success in our project. That is all. BTW, seeing as our suppliers are rather judgmental, and don't like 1-trick dromedaries, I tried my hand at crafting drinking mugs with a material I'm familiar with. Why stone of course.
Our forges are almost ready for use. I however must've payed quite the pretty peice with the exchange for at least a single anvil. Although it cost 1000☼ according to my math, I probably gave away too much in order to secure the deal. We need that sucker, otherwise progress would be naught but a dream.
Trading has been rather fruitful; unlike our assistants' arrivals. (Where in the glowing pit are they? It's been 2 seasons already!!!)
With this new anvil in our ownership, and adequate ores we may find, we'll be capable of supplying our own supplies for a manufacturing plant. A much needed addition to our production line if we seek to get off the ground at all. And just in case, we supplied ourselves with whatever food we had access to in our trade; and being the gem setter I am, I took the liberty in getting me some jewels that caught my eye. That is, if I feel it is appropriate to make anything with them. Maybe some windows...
Anyway, having taken notice of our imports and exports, I have sanctioned that we take security into measure. For starters, the war dogs we have requested are finally put to work. They should serve as at least entryway security to our new belongings as well as our refined goods when produced. When things take off

, we may move them towards the production zone. At least they've bred so we can think of alternatives.
And as a final part of the update: Our primary workshop is carved out, and we're now working out the mechanics of obtaining magma for use. Since we have adequate workspace in the fort, we'll be optimizing our resource storage and production centers for anything else we need. Hopefully not much else is leftover to do before we can commence "Operation: Sky-Fortress". I can't come up with a creative name at the time, it's getting a little cooler outside, and the outpost is rather breezy; lacking doors, you know.
--Foreman, "Cid" Kalrethdakost
You know the drill...P.S.
Thank you for caring for Woodstock. We apprecite it much. And please, do enjoy the mugs, I'm rather new to the craft. I kinda like this hobby. And considering I have a bit of skill gem setting, I may even make something rather extraordinary in your honor.
I drink to our coming success BOTTOM'S UP!!!