Okay, I did an initial no-mod experiment. (Before I begin my project; I want to enjoy this, not have FUN before construction commences. No muss, no fuss.)
Will a bridge (retracting in a direction) be capable of supporting a structure without collapsing? Well, no. But by miracle, the bridge itself, and the floor it was on remained aloft. That is, until I retracted the grounded bridge; that then made the unsupported bridge collapse.
If anything, I at least have an idea of how to setup the docking system now. Of course, cave-in will be shut off when construction commences. I was hoping I would only need to turn it off before disembarking. Well that idea flew like pegasus crap. Dropped from the sky, and hit the ground hard.

Though rather blasphemous to megaprojects; I had to savescum. Consider it a bad dream a designer had. Next experiment is waterwheel propulsion via windmills. Mostly for aesthetic effect. Hopefully it will work. To save time from experimenting it myself, has anyone tried this out before? Additionally, I'm going to experiment a multi-link with trigger systems for pilots.
Modifying the engine room, there will be 5 primary levers to toggle the primary engine blocks. In the cabins, there will be levers to toggle each of the individual propellers per wing.
There could also be additional levers for the elevators and ailerons. It's gonna be pretty complex, but the overall effect will be awesome

Seeing as real life tends to get in the way, I'll try to get this done by any means necessary. This is too good a project to let up on.
Did further experimentation. Apparently, windmills cannot shut off, even if I disengage the gear mechanisms that it's linked to

. So, it looks like I can't shut off individual propellers. However, waterwheels ARE affected by windmills, and can function without water being underneath it. HUZZAH! The illusion WILL work!!!
I can setup a total shut off switch as well.
However, I stumbled across something a tad interesting. Apparently gear/lever assemblies can be linked up to do binary operations. As well, if you want it to operate in boolean fashion, be sure to have an additional gear/lever for the desired area, or as a master control switch before the additional gears to be affected. One can make some interesting setups or puzzle games with this knowledge.
For example, in order to operate certain machines, a series of levers must be active; but to open the main passageway, sans active deathtraps, you must input the right number in binary.
How I came across this was by accident with my experiment, it was structured that I have 1 lever to toggle both gears (main axle, and windmill axle), and an additional lever linked only to the primary gear (linked to windmill).
Binary coded switches operated like this: 1st switch = Main axle, 2nd switch = Both axles
00 = Off
01 = On
10 = Off (though main axle is online)
11 = Off (WW axle online, though lacking power due to main being disengaged)
Expand the code, expand the possibilities, expand the megaproject ideas. Overly complex labyrinth anyone? Fun for adventurers; especially the programmable puzzles involving levers, and (if possible) pressure switches.
I'm sure the binary code thing works even better with floodgates and pressure switches. Plus, it should be cheaper to construct and easier to calculate.
Okay, it turns out floodgates can't be built in mid-air. So much for THAT rudder idea. Now I ask a question:
What furniture (that can be affected by a lever) can be built/suspended in mid-air? I want to be able to make a functional rudder. And regarding the binary operation I stated previously, you see where I'm coming from with this, right?
The elevators and ailerons are simple enough to make. The rudder is the primary issue at hand.