Dwarf Fortress > DF Dwarf Mode Discussion



i just noticed that in Orders Forbid you set if a dwarf claims all his items on death!
I've seen many discussions about dead dwarfs and their stuff and now you can use this.

Unless I'm not following your meaning, the following applies: I'm quite sure that the feature you speak of does not work the way you think it does.

The feature forbids or permits dwarves to reclaim items owned by dwarves of your fortress. For example, if Urist McMilker dies in a gobbo siege, and dwarves are allowed to reclaim 'your death items', you'll have a flood of milkers, threshers, cheese makers, etc. running into said gobbo force, trying to reclaim poor McMilker's ex-belongings. This may or may not be exactly what you want. :D

The 'Your' in 'Claim your death items' refers to you, the player and controller of a group of dwarves. 'Your' items are the items belonging to dwarves of your group.
The 'Other' in 'Claim other death items' means the opposite; Permit that and dwarves will automatically reclaim items that are dropped by sieging armies (that are now no longer alive) or to caravans that happened to meet an 'unfortunate' end on your embark site.

This does not relate to the whole ordeal where dead dwarves still own stuff at times.

ok i get it
but its still funny when the pesents (anybody elses) rush in :)

I don't allow them to rush in until the siege is over, because it's meaningless. It's a simple feature which forbids items upon death, and it is there for a reason.

Goblin Christmas.


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