Dwarf Fortress > DF Dwarf Mode Discussion

Serious lack of animeals

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   No, that isn't a typo, I refer to animals as ani-meals since that's all they're good for.
However, I recently started a megaproject (Turning a volcano into a giant housing facility for a weapons/armor factory) and totally forgot to bring animeals with me. Will my dwarves have unhappy thoughts because of a lack of meaty goodness? I get a bit of fish, and get all the meat I can when I trade (Two legendary metalcrafters, and a mountain full of magma and copper = win).

   So will they have unhappy thoughts? Or are they okay with this? They seem content on plump helmets and the occasional fish so far.

No worry.
Your dwarves won't get unhappy thoughts for it.
Apart from that, you'll have animals soon enough.. They tend to come along with migrant waves.

Lord Dakoth:
Very minor unhappy thoughts, that is if there is only one kind of food. Which is where Dwarven Wine Roasts come in.

But nothing that a -Gabbro Statue- can't cure.

Don't caravans sometimes bring caged animated meals with them?

You have any wild animals on your map? Even a base quality crossbow with base quality bone/wood arrows and an untrained hunter can bring home a good deal bacon, assuming you don't have a map full of werewolves or cougars.

Alternatively, dwarves who go to a new fortress are prepared for hardships like living on nothing but plants until the caravan brings some animeals.


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