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Why someone can spend 15 hours a day coding, every day

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I came across this MUD (Multi-user-dungeon) called Draenor. It's relatively new but seems very promising with lots of work and love being put into it. A lot of things need polishing and you can definitely see places where things could be improved, but it is quite entertaining, if somewhat barren of players.

However, that's not the point. While I was playing it, I noticed that the game only has one admin. This one guy has created everything in the game from scratch since a few years ago, and he's always on. He's always there no matter when or what time. In some ways, he reminded me of Toady One but I was really curious how someone could devote so much time to a MUD. Then I learned he's disabled and is living on welfare, so he has nothing else to do.

It's... pretty depressing. While he gets to spend tonnes of time on his hobby and the MUD becomes exponentially better each passing day, the fact that he had to give up his legs to do so is... sad.

The MUD in question is here:

I'm trying to type up something quirky, but there's this nagging sadness in my head for the guy :(

Hopefully, he enjoys what he's doing and will continue to do so.

Well, it's what game coders do. Coders are sort of like musicians in a way.. they do it for the love of the art, rather than expecting some monetary profit. Unless you are one, it's difficult to describe the joy there is in creating something. It's sort of funny.. there are a lot of people say it's a horrible job choice, that they're not getting paid well, but they are simply happy that they can make money off it. It's a bit like a "strange mood" thing.. they're happy as long as they can keep doing it.

There was one point in my life when I considered dropping everything else in life to work on creating games. But obviously, I didn't have the same devotion to it that Toady and others like him do. I take the long road towards it.. rather than going straight in and building, I make sure I have enough money to never work again, enough skill to never need any more, before I eventually lock myself in a room 10 years from now and start coding my own masterpiece.

So, yeah, it makes perfect sense to me. Especially since there's so many bugs in coding that it takes several days just to weed it out. Just put it this way.. some people live to have a "happy" life - hot wife, smart kids, lots of money. Others live to contribute to the world.. and these coders are those people.

Unfortunately I can't stand Muds.

Not so much unwilling but that they frustrate me in the way they throw me up a river without a paddle.

In Apokalypsos (see sig) we had one guy who was terminally ill writing content and ideas right up until he died... and looking back, he saw it coming. That was fucking depressing.

Whole thing is in this thread, if you don't believe me... skipped close to the end, since it was ten pages.

Bawww, now I'm all sad again.


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