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Author Topic: RAW travesties and AI: "Auto Revenging Ass"  (Read 370707 times)

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #195 on: April 16, 2010, 05:05:13 am »

[BLOOD:BY_TOKEN:LFTOE5:HAIR] Your left toes are made of hair.
Correction: Your blood is made from the hair on your left fifth toe.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #196 on: April 16, 2010, 07:21:01 am »

Holy shit these are awesome.
"I can't wait to procrastinate!"


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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #197 on: April 16, 2010, 06:34:52 pm »

This topic is awesome.

[CAST_TISSUE_LAYER:SQUARE] (square tissue?)
[APPEARANCE_MAJOR_MOD_IMPORTANCIFUL] (An appearance of a major mod! This is very importifanciful.)
[HAS_NERIAL_TEMPLATERIAL_PLATE:EYE:EYE_CLASH] (The eye clashes with the nerial temperature plate!)
[BONECK] (bones in your neck...?)
[TISSUE_LAYER:LEGLER] (Legler tissue?)
[SELECT_PEND if thand pointrol the humanoid dance protterns]
[BLOOD:BY_CATEGORY:ALL:5FINGS:HAIR] (Blood types: finger, hair...)
[ATTACK_SKILL:GRASSTRIKE](Bulbasaur! Grasstrike!)
[POPULARGE_PALE:200] (The populace is mainly large and pale.)
[GETS_INFECT_PER:BROADNES:25:700] (Don't get too large, you might get infected!)
[SWIM_SPEED:2EARANCE:70:90:90:110:1550:125] (It's easiest is you swim WITHOUT using your ears...)
[CREATEGORY:THICK:PUS:PUMPKIN:FACIAL:HAIR_TISSUE_LAYER:GAPS:0:5000] (Thick pumpkin pus facial hair!? With gaps in it.)
[ATTACK_SKIN] (Go for the skin!)
[SWIMS_INNATIONS:LOCAL_HAIR] (I knew it! Dwarves swim with their beards!)
[SET_TISSUE_TISSUE_LAYERSONALITTERIES] (A personal tissue layer litter.)
[FANCE_MATEGORY:EARANCE_MOD_NOUN:earse-like them. It right] (It right!)
[BENIGH_CHIN:FACIER:DEEP_VOICE:70:95:98:100] (Its all in the chin, right? And deep voices are fancy!)
[NAMON:A gigglin:gores] (Gigglin' gores...)
[ATTACHEEK_WHISKERSON] (Attach the whiskers on the cheek)


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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #198 on: April 16, 2010, 08:48:41 pm »

*travesties the contants of one of my creature mod files*

[ATTACT_CATERS] The Hulk's will made venom]
[HOME:bee stings
a golems:nine bottles of beer easty sents]
[FEMALED] I don't want to know.
[liGAME:slime thing the of slime]
The World Without Knifebear — A much safer world indeed.
regardless, the slime shooter will be completed, come hell or high water, which are both entirely plausible setbacks at this point.


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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #199 on: April 16, 2010, 09:22:35 pm »

Okay, I've got this. I've got this.
There's a prefix called "Noness". So you have words like nonesscooked or nonessbooze. Now, it's trying to define Noness. It's in a certain... "stategory". Bear with me here. The stategory says that noness' meaning is "of or pertaining to bees, usu. dilute yet localized near a certain point, esp. when for every bee that is in existence, 50 bees are acting [5000% acting percentage]"

Now, it further defines noness- by saying that unlike, say, George Clooney's rogueish grin, it is resistable - thus, for example, a nonesspunch would be (as we now know) a punch made with some sort of low-power bee-attraction bracelet, such that bees were clustered around the fist yet not quite dense, that the quantum bee force (see On The Existence Or Non-existence Of Bees, Urist McSchroedinger, OH GOD BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES, Urist McBeekeeper et al.) guaranteed a much higher amount of bee actions than actual bees, and finally that could be, say, easily dodged.

Finally, the ending defines some other aspects of the word; much like a dictionary might list "extraordinarily" as the adverb after the main listing of "extraordinary", it defines something that is noness to be in the state of "glasm", or as some literary experts are calling it nowadays, "ur mum".


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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #200 on: April 16, 2010, 10:07:13 pm »

Everyone is looking at me funny becuase I keep bursting out laughing.


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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #201 on: April 17, 2010, 12:12:13 am »


you've gone so far beyond the faintly visible lines of madness and literary obsession that you've wrapped around and gone over them again into a place that isn't a place, which is to say, where even death may die.  If you stated this post verbally, you'd rend the fabric of reality asunder and dance around naked with the scraps of it tucked under your armpits.
We are who we are, depending on who we were.


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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #202 on: April 17, 2010, 05:20:06 pm »



I have a new sig now.



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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #203 on: April 17, 2010, 07:39:34 pm »

Here's some from the creatures in my other upcoming mod. Yeah, I'm working on two mods, but this one'll be much smaller.

[BODY_SIZE:1:LIQUID] Raindrop titan!
[USE_TEMPLATE:CHILDING:soporious foul breath]
[MELTIPLY_VALUE:5000] My new favorite verb now.
[PET_EAT:BLOOD:LIQUID] Blood for the blood dog!
The World Without Knifebear — A much safer world indeed.
regardless, the slime shooter will be completed, come hell or high water, which are both entirely plausible setbacks at this point.


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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #204 on: April 19, 2010, 10:24:40 pm »

From some of my mods raws:

[PLAY_COOKED]   -- EZ bake!
[MATE_NAME_ADJ:LIQUID:dwarven stard]   -- Uh...
[PLATE_NAME_ADJ:GAS:dwarven dwarven dwarven rye strawberry jam]   -- Thats not a plate, its a hardened mess
[PICKED_COOKED]   -- So... you cook it before you pick it?
[BODY_DETAIL:2EYES:HEAD:SIDE_FROM_ROT]   -- Sounds unpleasant
[REMOVE_MATE]   -- :(
[TLCM_NOUN:eyes:crayfish:crapping that liver fish.]   -- I... uh... er...
[REMOVE_MODIFIER:BLACK_SKIN]   -- Travesty generator is racist...
[BIOME:cave mussel]   -- Must be a parasite
[USE_MODIFIER:BROADNESS:GENERATE:PUS:LIQUID]   -- So... the broader you are, the more pus you generate?
[ATTACK_SKILL:SKIN]   -- Must be a shark
[MAXAGE_POISON]   -- Lives until poisoned

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #205 on: April 19, 2010, 11:51:06 pm »

[REACTIVE_EVIL:0] - New alignment?

[PANT_MAXAGE_PANTS:ORGANIMALE_POP_SILVER] - The pants live until, uh... your male organs pop silver?? D:

[PERMITTED_REACH:100] - A human being size 7000.. rather short hands there.

[BENDING] - Bender [BENDING] Rodriguez!

[NAME_ADJ:GAS:boilings. It is weighted oness consort:diplomat:shear call yellow and temp value jay pewter gregulatizon copper captain:SIEGENTITY:600] - Sounds like Star Trek, but with geology babble. "Shear call yellow, and temp value jay pewter gregulatizon copper, Captain!"

[TOY:ITEM_PANTS_SCIMITTER] - A scimitar in the pants is not a toy! Neither is a "scimitter".

[ATTACKS:195084] - The monster punches you in the face! x195084

[PERMITTED_JOB:BODYPART] - Like something out of Power Rangers.

[PROVE_TYPE:MEET_MORER] - "And to prove your good intentions, you must... meet Morer." (dun-dun-duuun)

[ATTACK_FLAG_ONLY_COLOR:7:0:0] - Attack only if it's white on black!

[BENDING2] - Like [BENDING], but upgraded.

[GENERATION_DAGGER_PET] - A dagger-generating pet? Or generating pet daggers?

[ATTACK_PRECEDED] - So first there's an attack, and then this happens.

Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #206 on: April 20, 2010, 01:15:45 am »

I demand [BENDING] and [BENDING2] be made into real tags.

A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #207 on: April 20, 2010, 02:49:44 am »

[ETHIC:ASS:8000] ...

[ITEM_WEAPONSIBILITY:110] - This item is very plausible as a weapon.


[NAME:longnose of 3 gold]

[DO_NOBILITY:1862] - How does one "do" nobility?

[REQUESTNUT:14684] - Describes about any noble.

[REMOVEMENT_ELASTICITY:8930] - I can't help but chuckle at the concept.

[PERM:10:soldiers:PLURAL] - 10 soldiers is indeed plural.


[BENDING_POPULAR_ELASTICITY:LAW_MATE] - Bending popular elasticity is the law, mate!

[GETS:ITEM_SHOES:2EYE:EYE] - Would be funnier in different order - 2EYE gets ITEM_SHOES, ends up as just EYE...

[BENDING:64] - Bending 64, a remake of Bending 2 for the Nintendo 64...

[BODY_AXE_BREW] - A new dwarven commodity, no doubt.

[ATTACK_CONTAIN:FORESPON_RANGEON_SPHERMININGDOME:grackbird has long streaver] - I'm not even going to comment...

[RELIGION:AUTUMINORGANSLAVERTEBRAG_WITH] - "When you wake up in the morning, consider Autuminorganslavertebrag_With!"

[USE_MODIFIER:BRIDGE] - Division by bridge yields zero. Multiplication by bridge also yields zero. Just about any action a bridge can do to you will result in a zero.

[FLIER:NOT_APPOINT:1000] - Can't fly unless appointed? By 1000 people? Total or majority?

[REAGENEMIES] - "Do Not Mix"

[ETHIC:KILL:UGLY] - Pretty much any race fighting Orks or equivalents.

[BENDINING2] - Horror-action spinoff, "The Bendining 2".
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #208 on: April 20, 2010, 04:50:40 am »

Oh gawds, we need a trilogy of 'BENDING'!

I must download the new version and do some travesty myself :D
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Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
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Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: RAW travesties
« Reply #209 on: April 20, 2010, 02:34:41 pm »

[DUTY_BOULDER] - I can't recall the name, but wasn't this one of the punishments in Hell?

[BODY_DETAIL_PLAN:HUMANOID_RIBCAGE_ENGINEER] - Talk about intelligent design...

[BENDING:10000] - Bending 10K, a remake of the original Bending set in a far-future setting.

[BENDING_CIV_NUMBER:1] - There can bend only one!

[BENDING:SOAP_MAKING2] - Bending: the new soap making?

[BENDONS] - regular Mooks in The Bendining.

[BENDERS:NEGATORSION] - Action-RPG spinoff, focusing around the characters of "Bending 2" and their battles against the negative torque dimension.

[BENDONSTRIKE] - Licensed action-simulator remake following the events of Benders:Negatorsion from the perspective of a helicopter pilot.

[BENDINING:SOAP_MASS:90:95:98:10] - Fun Facts about The Bendining! The four little chunks of soap on the floor of the dark bathroom scene weigh exactly 90, 95, 98, and 10 grams!

[BENDS:55845] - More Fun Facts about The Bendining! Over the course of the entire series, the heroes encounter exactly 55845 bends!

And now for something completely different:
[CULL:SILVERB:bite of the captain:ranged bismuth bronze]
« Last Edit: April 20, 2010, 02:39:04 pm by Sean Mirrsen »
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India
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