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Author Topic: Study advice  (Read 3312 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2009, 10:21:46 am »

« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 02:05:05 pm by Stany »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Study advice
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2009, 01:34:18 pm »

Does anyone else never study?  I listen to the teacher/professor in class, skim through the textbook, and almost always remember everything I need to remember for the test.
I did this until I failed my AS Exams.
Now I'm trying to actually study.
I'm exactly the same, except I haven't reached my AS levels yet so hopefully I'll be able to reform before it's too late.

Do this, but also do something else that is very important. While you take notes and listen to lectures, doodle. It's a great memory system because it helps you to think ' Aww man, who did x?' and your brain can say 'It's on the page with the gorillas fighting' and it can get their right away in your brain catalouge.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Study advice
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2009, 04:19:21 pm »

Okay here is what I am going to do. I have told my dad to remove the power cable to my PC before I get home from school and give it back to me after dinner. That way i will have 3 hours each day without computer access and hopefully be more motivated to study. As for how I am going to study, I plan on printing off all of the learning outcomes for my subjects (ie the guide that teachers get on what to teach the students and what will be in the exams). From these and with some sheets of cardboard I will create a couple hundred flash cards with questions on the front and answers on the back. I will go through these and get my parents to quiz me on them until I remember everything. This will especially be useful for chemistry where the whole course is basically just: "Remember the trends(electron configuration, ionization energy, electronegativity, radii) of the first 36 elements, know what and how some elements don't fit a trend, what equation to use to calculate a quantity, colours, reactants, products, reaction conditions and the properties of molecules" It's all just remembering shit, not really much logical thinking involved. Damn I wish I didn't take chemistry...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Study advice
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2009, 08:50:54 pm »

Does anyone else never study?  I listen to the teacher/professor in class, skim through the textbook, and almost always remember everything I need to remember for the test.
I did this until I failed my AS Exams.
Now I'm trying to actually study.
I'm exactly the same, except I haven't reached my AS levels yet so hopefully I'll be able to reform before it's too late.

Do this, but also do something else that is very important. While you take notes and listen to lectures, doodle. It's a great memory system because it helps you to think ' Aww man, who did x?' and your brain can say 'It's on the page with the gorillas fighting' and it can get their right away in your brain catalouge.

Man, if you can take notes and doodle in the same hour, you don't have anything you should be failing :P

Some of my friends who are good at memorizing write down while they are reading. They don't even care what they write, they just look at the notes, and their hands move. They claim that their hands will memorize what they're looking at, and when the topic comes out during the exam, their hands will recall what to write down.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Study advice
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2009, 12:51:24 pm »

I find that the best way to write an essay is get all your notes and textbooks, a huge mug of the strongest caffeinated beverage you can procure and to start typing like a demon. This produces good results for me.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.

Lord Dakoth

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Re: Study advice
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2009, 09:32:11 pm »

Does anyone else never study?  I listen to the teacher/professor in class, skim through the textbook, and almost always remember everything I need to remember for the test.

Ditto. The only things that I study for are my French dialogs, and even then only in class. The last time I remember studying was before I took the AP European History exam... two years ago. Funny, that was the only AP that I actually studied for, and the only one that I got less than a 4 on. Go figure.

Okay here is what I am going to do. I have told my dad to remove the power cable to my PC before I get home from school and give it back to me after dinner. That way i will have 3 hours each day without computer access and hopefully be more motivated to study. As for how I am going to study, I plan on printing off all of the learning outcomes for my subjects (ie the guide that teachers get on what to teach the students and what will be in the exams). From these and with some sheets of cardboard I will create a couple hundred flash cards with questions on the front and answers on the back. I will go through these and get my parents to quiz me on them until I remember everything. This will especially be useful for chemistry where the whole course is basically just: "Remember the trends(electron configuration, ionization energy, electronegativity, radii) of the first 36 elements, know what and how some elements don't fit a trend, what equation to use to calculate a quantity, colours, reactants, products, reaction conditions and the properties of molecules" It's all just remembering shit, not really much logical thinking involved. Damn I wish I didn't take chemistry...

I don't know what kind of chemistry YOU'RE taking! Sure, there is a lot of memorization, but you'd be wrong saying that there's not much logical thinking involved.

Chemistry is the shit. Don't dis it.
Avatar by legendary engraver /u/Redicno of reddit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Study advice
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2009, 01:59:26 am »

rember that you only need 5% for the rest of your life.
all ways see how cosurework add up (it can be a C on its on in the uk)
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

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Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Study advice
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2009, 07:33:16 am »

Develop the pig memory tricks already. Read MEMO.
And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Jesus-


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Study advice
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2009, 07:40:17 am »

Does anyone else never study?  I listen to the teacher/professor in class, skim through the textbook, and almost always remember everything I need to remember for the test.

That worked for me for a while...then I went to college.

Actually, it worked pretty well for the first two years of college also.
Quote from: Raphite1
I once started with a dwarf that was "belarded by great hanging sacks of fat."

Oh Jesus


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Study advice
« Reply #24 on: November 18, 2009, 04:58:02 pm »

rember that you only need 5% for the rest of your life.
all ways see how cosurework add up (it can be a C on its on in the uk)

While that may be true for other courses. The degree I am applying for requires a merit (B) average across 80 credits, I do need to do well. Also seeing as my current school is more of an arts and music school(There are only 8 or 9 other students doing only the academic subjects). If I do well in these exams I have a chance of getting DUX, which of course comes with a nice 4 grand scholarship. Also many other scholarships here depend on the marks I get in these exams.

Anyways, just finished the first chemistry exam, feeling pretty confident about all but the structure and electron trend stuff. Oh and I might have messed up a few of the color changes in redox.
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