Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

Allow non-letters in nicknames

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I like having Borg-like nicknames for my dwarves.  For example, a guy from my initial crew might be "Three of Seven of One", meaning he was the third dwarf of the seven dwarves in my first set of dwarves.This is partially for my interest -- e.g. I can easily see who my first wave dwarves are -- but also I enjoy thinking that the dwarves actually do think about themselves in these terms.  They are components in the great machine of the cave.Unfortunately, "Three of Seven of One" is a bit cumbersome (in terms of display space).  "3 of 7 of 1", or even "3/7/1", would be much better.  But DF does not currently support numbers (or slashes) in nicknames.

useful... i name all mine according to job.. so  it's mason I, mason II.... etc.. for now..or in your case.. III VII I... can get rather long..

I wound up deciding on (for example):"A B C D"Where:"A" = This dwarf arrived in the first year.
"B" = In the second immigrant wave of that year.
"C" = As the third dwarf in the wave.
"D" = In which there were four dwarves.
[ November 04, 2006: Message edited by: w ]

I did this for a while, too, and ran out of names like "Deux."  What dwarf is named Deux, anyway?  Symbols would be nice for other reasons that I can't remember - I'm just always trying to name my dwarves stupid things.

We could give the dwarves Paranoia-style names!  This would be especially useful when burrows are in, when you could assign the three-letter sector code at the end of a dwarf's name by their home burrow; but for now, you can assign it based on their wave.  And their middle initial, their security clearance, would increase through R O Y G B P U as the dwarf became more important.  So you could have a dwarf with a name like Gim-Y-LEE or something.I mean, come on.  The fortress pretty much runs like a game of Paranoia already...  All we need is the hammerer beating people when they switch to a job with a color above their security clearance.  And then beating them again for getting beaten by a hammer of a color above their security clearance.[ November 05, 2006: Message edited by: Aquillion ]


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