Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

Cave spider silk armor

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Spider silk is incredibly tough material(in fact,it's quite probably the single most sturdy naturally occuring fiber)so why not make armor from it? It could have the approx. quality of steel armor(perhaps stronger),while being much lighter and easier to produce.
To balance it out,you would have to use several pieces of cloth to make them and just like real spider silk,they would degrade in few years even if nobody would be using them.

Mmm.  Tough doesn't necessarily equate to protective.  Steel armor's probably either made of chains or solid, molded pieces (plate).  Chain mail provides some thickness over a thick leather/cloth shell.  Plate provides thickness and distributes pressure across its surface by being stiff.Silk is neither stiff nor thick.  Aluminum is a tough substance, too, but would you rather have leather or aluminum foil when you go against the goblins.  If you fold the silk enough, it might provide some protection, but certainly not more than leather (which is stiffer and one piece).

If there were some kind of adhesive production, maybe from tree sap or gelatin glue, you could probably use laminated and bonded silk cloth. I don't know how thick you could get the laminate before it became too heavy, though.

Actually normal silk provided exellent defence against arrows, better in many ways than steel plate. The Silk wrapped around the arrows when they penitrated preventing their barbs from lodging in the victim. I imagine spider silk would be used as a constituant in composite armour rahter than the  prime componant. Perhaps a way to make extremely high quality leather armour?

"the spider silk is as hard as steel same thickness"so please i would like a lot more spider silk armor than aluminium because aluminium isn't so hard as the silk one does


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