Dwarf Fortress > DF Dwarf Mode Discussion

Contruction question

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I'm in the middle of building a gigantic golden warhammer in my fortress' courtyard for the hell of it, and I was wondering if it's possible to support (hold up) built walls from above? Basically if I build several z levels of walls are they solidly connected or do they just sit on top of each other? Here is the basic design of the hammer, notice where the hammerheads flare out at the bottom -

  |----\ |----|  /----|
  |       -|----|-       |
  |        |----|         |
  |       -|----|-       |
  |----/ |----|  \----|  <----this level here

I know how I'd be able to build it, just have the entire layer fixed to the main structure, build the level above and then remove the connecting walls, but would it stay up? If not, is there anyway I  can go about making such a structure?

afaik it will stay up, the cave-in logic can lead to some unnaturally results, as there only needs to be 1 tile of connection to the land to stay up.


--- Quote from: wagawaga on November 23, 2009, 10:17:40 am ---afaik it will stay up, the cave-in logic can lead to some unnaturally results, as there only needs to be 1 tile of connection to the land to stay up.

--- End quote ---

But will it work with a connection from above? On the bottom z level of the hammerheads there will be no connection the shaft of the hammer.

blue emu:
Any orthogonal connection will support... north, south, east, west, up or down... but NOT diagonally.

You could have the whole thing hanging down from a single support, if you wanted to.

I'm planning to use a giant hammer as a defense against sieges... "The Hammer of Armok", with its single support released by pulling a lever. Directly underneath it will be an inlaid mosiac spelling out "Stand Here".

I would fill it with Magma if there was any on my map... there isn't, so I'm filling it with Rhesus Macaques.

The only problem I foresee, unless you build and then remove the layer(s) that would have connected the base to the ground, is actually constructing it.

You could send out bridges from a (temporary) scaffold to build a set of walls and access floors at an arbitrary Z-level, then build walls at the Z-1 from the bridge, and so on down to Z-n, 'm' levels above the ground, but it'd probably be easier to build from the ground, with endo-/exo-skeletal access infrastructure, linking to the edge support at your upper connection point, then 'retreat' down, removing whatever you don't want to remain, including the entire [edited-in-'cos-I-prematurely posted: "...unwanted ground-to-intended-posterior support structure".]

(Unless, and I might be wrong in thinking you can't, you can construct an up or up/down stairs on Z-1 while standing on some down-accessing other stairs on Z=0.  You can /dig/ them, but I don't think you can construct, the same way as you can construct a Z+1 down or up/down stairway from an up-accessing one.  Also possibly at issue, removing, the Z-1 stairwell items from the Z.)


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