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Author Topic: Ustinod Totmon "Breachedgates of Flowers"-The careful retreat  (Read 1468 times)


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Hello Everyone this is my first story, and after reading many others I decided to attempt to make one. I hope you all enjoy!
PS can you guys tell me how to upload images? I wont start the game until a few of the parts are claimed.


Uvash Lavathshorast-Proficient Miner/Weaponsmith/Armorsmith/Novice Metalsmith

Likes Andesite, Pig Iron, Onyx opal, Pearl, Picks, Quivers and catapult parts. She detests purring maggots.

Quick to anger. Doesn't often experience strong cravings or urges. She enjoys the company of others. she is unassertive. she tends not to openly express emotions. she is not straightforward when dealing with others. she finds helping others very rewarding. she is not easily moved to pity. she takes time when making decisions. she needs alcohol to get through the working day. she likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather.

Adil Enolrigoth-Proficient Miner/Proficient Building Designer

likes Mica, Sterling silver, Purple spinel, the color copper, tunics, donkeys for their stubbornness and cougars for their cunning, when possible he prefers to consume Quarry bush Leaves.

He is often filled with joy. He dislikes confrontations. He is compassionate. he is organized. he strives for excellence, he needs alcohol to get through the working day. he likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather.

Besmar Konthikut-Proficient Wood Cutter/Competent Axe Dwarf/Record Keeper/

likes Sandy clay loam, Tin Rose quartz, Willow, Pearl and war hammers. when possible he prefers to consume Dwarven wine and Cave wheat Seeds.

He is willing to compromise with others. he finds rules confining. he needs alcohol to get through the working day. he likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather.

Tosid Imiknish-Proficient Carpenter/Appraiser/Negotiator/Novice Persuader

Likes silt loam, black bronze, clear diamond, ivory, the color maroon and war hammers. when possible he prefers to consume cow and Dwarven beer.

He has a calm demeanor. he is open minded to new ideas. he is candid and sincere in dealings with others. he is willing to compromise with others. he is not easily moved to pity. he is occasionally given to procrastination. he needs alcohol to get through the working day. he likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather.

Sigun Usenmuthkat-Proficient Mason/Proficient Engraver

Likes native aluminum, aluminum, wood opal, ash, ivory, war hammers, statues, dogs for their loyalty and plump helmets for their rounded tops.

she is nervous. she is concerned about rejection and ridicule. she is often cheerful. she is open-minded to new ideas. she is compassionate. she doesn't go out of her way to do more work than necessary. she acts impulsively. she needs alcohol to get through the working day. she likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather.

Litast Kosothorrun-Proficient Grower/Proficient Brewer

likes tetrahedrite, steel, red flash opal, acacia, horn, bolts and greaves. when possible he prefers to consume hoary marmot.

he is comfortable in social situations. he doesn't often experience strong cravings or urges. he can handle stress. he is very active. he is a pessimist. he does not have a great aesthetic sensistivity. he is immodest. he is not easily moved to pity. he likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather.

Domas Ekastrakust-Proficient Cook/Proficient Butcher

likes flint, brass, fortification agate, pig tail fabric, the color indigo, spears, armor stands, earrings and cyclops for their single eye. when possible he prefers to consume Dwarven wheat flour. he absolutely detests spiders.

he is a nervous wreck. he is very friendly, he isn't given to flights of fancy. he is confident. he is organized. he needs alcohol to get through the working day. he likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather.


2 copper picks
1 steel battle axe
1 iron anvil
27 Dwarven ale
20 Plump helmet spawn
10 Pig Tail seeds
15 Plump Helmets
4 dogs
4 cats


Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Ustinod Totmon "Breachedgates of Flowers"-The careful retreat
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2010, 02:34:19 pm »

Hey, I might as well throw my lot in.

I'll take Adil-Hard working, perfectionistic and overly optimistic. Sounds like a match made in the underworld with some of the others.

Whenever I'm building a building... have him make it out of Mica whenever possible.

Good luck
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: Ustinod Totmon "Breachedgates of Flowers"-The careful retreat
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2010, 02:49:20 pm »

>Ustinod Totmon "Breachedgates of Flowers"-The careful retreat
>"Breachedgates of Flowers" -The careful retreat
>Flowers - retreat
...I smell elves.

But regardless, I think I'll enjoy this majestic display of true dwarven spirit hidden under a name destinated for those tree-hugging hippies. I'll take Domas.


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Re: Ustinod Totmon "Breachedgates of Flowers"-The careful retreat
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2010, 03:00:45 pm »

Also I'm gonna call Litast... I'll get an update going later tonight also what do you guys want me to name them?

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Ustinod Totmon "Breachedgates of Flowers"-The careful retreat
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2010, 05:18:15 pm »

Go ahead and rename him Fritz
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: Ustinod Totmon "Breachedgates of Flowers"-The careful retreat
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2010, 05:47:15 pm »

And I would like Tosid.  I sense he is destined to be an early mayor, and that he likes clear diamond.  I am already rehearsing his appologies and pleas not to be killed off for his mandates already  ;)

For his name, please keep Tosid, and whatever the translation of his last name is.  Thanks!
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


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Re: Ustinod Totmon "Breachedgates of Flowers"-The careful retreat
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2010, 06:09:18 pm »

I have to admit that we have a problem. Earlier as I said I was not going to start until the roles were taken, well my computer got turned of and I had not saved so I have lost all my work... :(, I'll get another story started