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Author Topic: Screampacks. Dwarves repelled, once again. Only 4 cats lost!  (Read 28554 times)


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Re: Screampacks. Kobold grabbed the artifact! And then got et.
« Reply #120 on: February 14, 2010, 06:38:40 pm »

Oh, I got it. It actually reminded me of something. Named cats can make an occasional request, say, once per game year. And if it's not too extravagant / detracting from important projects like the wall, I'll do my best.
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.

Stafir Ortnev

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Re: Screampacks. Kobold grabbed the artifact! And then got et.
« Reply #121 on: February 14, 2010, 09:18:41 pm »

Kinna looks cool so far, actually made me find my account and start it back up just to mention it looks cool, the mod looks interesting.  And to Request a kitty, if thats ok.

Name: Lapchase
Professions: Hunter/Miner/Warrior (preferably wrestling)
Occupation: Bunny Hunter
Personality:  A very simple minded cat...some say born of too many normal/sentient cat pairings..others figure he has a brain injury..nobody knows for sure but.  It is known he loves to hunt..especially rabbits.  Given how often one can hear him go about his duties just mumbling about Chasing Lapines...most refer to him as Lapchase now...he is so into chasing rabbits he's tried to go after them in their burrows..making him perfect for mining duties if you just convice him a rabbit is there somewhere.  Due to his love of hunting in general...which includes sentients, he can also be recruited in a pinch.

Request for fort (if thats ok).  Due to how he's used to burrows..while he won't insist on an underground room (though he'd take one), he will want an underground network of tunnels.  Of where he's made things big enough to go through in case a rabbit is in the area.  Basically while he won't dig out an underground fort..he will dig out some tunnels with openings to the outside (put some doors/gates etc on that), that I sort of imagine him popping out of to bring someone down.

First time posting a request to this kinna thing, overall, so hope its ok :).

Ok make that with me being wrong..just looked over some of my old old posts an discovered I had been dwarfed elsewhere heh...gah been too long since I've been part of the community.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 09:24:21 pm by Stafir Ortnev »
Newbie still learnin the game, don''t mind me.


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Re: Screampacks. Kobold grabbed the artifact! And then got et.
« Reply #122 on: February 14, 2010, 10:45:15 pm »

Great! I was thinking some sort of tunnels might be useful, as digging a tunnel from one building to another did help prevent against Total Fortress Collapse in the elf attack. I'm thinking a network of tunnels by some sort of district system, with drawbridges to close off some passageways in case of invasion. Should be useful for getting everyone (ideally) to a safe place.

Now that I think of it, ideally, it'd also be nice to make sure each district had its own well and food supply. Man, a request that gets my brain working is always great. ;D
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.

Stafir Ortnev

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Re: Screampacks. Kobold grabbed the artifact! And then got et.
« Reply #123 on: February 14, 2010, 10:58:20 pm »

Heh...I'm glad it got some juice flowin at least...I figure with the way lapchase is being made...he/she might go down fast (yes either gender is fine though original post said he)...but if Lapchase's networks proves at least useful...I can see others carrying it on anyway..and oddly original idea came from your mention of building that tunnel..along with that one cat who hated mining...why not have a wierdo kitty who loves to dig..and provide useful tunnels? :P
Newbie still learnin the game, don''t mind me.


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Re: Screampacks. Kobold grabbed the artifact! And then got et.
« Reply #124 on: February 15, 2010, 07:57:23 pm »

Frogwarrior's Journal, 22 Limestone
Fortunately, Autumn has been peaceful so far. We're only about two-thirds done with the wall, but once that's done we'll be a lot safer in here. Until then, we work at fever pitch. Wouldn't do to be wiped out by a dwarven attack, not with all we've been through.

At least this threat of violent demise has brought some sort of industry to our fledgling town. Not only do we need plenty of able bodies to build the walls, but we need skilled labor to construct gates and the mechanisms to operate them. We're also preparing to begin work on the palace, which will be the sturdiest yet - the living quarters for our more privileged members of society will be built out of stone. The inn will be expanded into a keep of sorts, with arrow slots for repelling invaders and our food and water stores. Also, the higher floors will house a jail of sorts, when we see fit to promote a sheriff.

Regrettably, our plans for defense were recently amended to require no small amount of digging. Bengali discovered that one of the new recruits, a dull fellow who answers to "Lapchase," has been digging a small network of tunnels near his hovel in his free time. He came to me later with a plan for connecting the various buildings in Screampacks with an underground tunnel network, so in case danger does make it through the outer wall, citizens can head underground through the tunnels to the inn. It'll be a lot of digging, which even with help I'll be tired of in no time, but with this in place Screampacks should be a very safe place to

(The journal entry ends here, with a splash of blood on the page.)
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.

Stafir Ortnev

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Re: Screampacks. More death coming...
« Reply #125 on: February 16, 2010, 12:28:26 am »

(The journal entry ends here, with a splash of blood on the page.)

fluffyasmodaeus? NNNOOOOooo  :'(

Now you just got me wonderin what in blazes is going on :P..and don't mind me I'm silly.
Newbie still learnin the game, don''t mind me.


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Re: Screampacks. More death coming...
« Reply #126 on: February 16, 2010, 02:33:15 am »

Frogwarrior's Journal
Well, we had a bit of a goblin problem here at Screampacks. I splashed some goblin blood on the page to commemorate the occasion.

Turned out to be a good thing we had Amalgam and 100killer9 doing patrols around the perimeter. They ran smack into the middle of a goblin ambush. Goblins! As if we didn't have problems enough without them coming in here to steal our riches or whatever. And, as luck would have it, they were quite dangerously armed. Crossbows and bows en masse. They were lucky to make it away without a scratch.

Anyway, we tried our currently only mode of defense, namely, everybody ran into the inn. Most of the goblins circled around to the front doors, where our currently only archer in commission rained down death while the entire village charged at them. Trained soldiers first of course.

Even with them in front, I still got a broken paw. Linda was worse off; her leg looks like it's in pretty bad shape. So she'll be out of commission for quite a while. That Overcat fellow says he's willing to step up and take over her duties, which is good, but unfortunately he didn't fare too well either - he got a nasty hit that pierced one of his lungs, and is now prone to fainting spells. Not an asset in the kitchen, I'm sorry to say. Other than that, one warrior died of his head injuries, and another suffered a broken leg.

The goblins were a wee bit crafty this time around, though. One of the bowmen must have seen one of the citizens heading into Torture's shop to head to the inn through the underground passage, and followed. Torture surprised him right as he marched into the food storeroom after the main battle, and the nearby civilians made short work of him. Another tried to march right into Natalie's hut while she was resting, but she'd sensibly locked the door as soon as trouble loomed. Finding the door barred, he turned around just in time to see 100killer9 before she tore his head off.

So everything was fine, we were cleaning up and burying our dead, getting back to work, when a woodcutter who headed off to work on the east wall ran smack into another group of goblins. Again with bows. Well, Amalgam and 100killer9 were on their way there, but this brave cat decided she wasn't going to go down easy, and set about them with hatchet. Did a neat spot of damage for such a crude weapon, until the real warriors arrived. The goblins were fleeing by this point, not wanting the same fate as their predecessors. Most of them made it.

So now we have to pick up the pieces. I'm in no shape to do the digging, as it hurts to walk, so I might hand my trowel to that Lapchase fellow for the time being. If Bengali can communicate where he's supposed to dig, that is. None too bright, that one.
End Journal Entry
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.

The Architect

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Re: Screampacks. Goblins ambush. Only one cat dies! (And four injuries.)
« Reply #127 on: February 16, 2010, 04:38:00 am »

Fun! Goblins!
Funny, no matter how hard you try to make things challenging, what with using primitive weapons/armor and creatures with very small size, goblins are still laughable threats!

I suppose if the woodcutter had been Top Cat, you'd have said so. Maybe I'll get my chance to die for Screampacks yet!
Dwarf Fortress: where blunders never cease.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Screampacks. Goblins ambush. Only one cat dies! (And four injuries.)
« Reply #128 on: February 16, 2010, 11:12:02 am »

I regret that I have but nine lives to give for my fortress.

Count me in! Rick/Rica (either gender fine) stabber, please.


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Re: Screampacks. Goblins ambush. Only one cat dies! (And four injuries.)
« Reply #129 on: February 16, 2010, 11:22:23 am »

Hah, I can just imagine a group of goblins trying to raid an inn and then being swarmed by tiny adorable cats with axes and crossbows.
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sir labreck

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Re: Screampacks. Goblins ambush. Only one cat dies! (And four injuries.)
« Reply #130 on: February 16, 2010, 12:32:24 pm »

New fortress with cat, fun ^^
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sir labreck, how you manage to mangle English so much yet still manage to keep your posts comprehensible is beyond me. Well done.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Screampacks. Goblins ambush. Only one cat dies! (And four injuries.)
« Reply #131 on: February 16, 2010, 01:27:24 pm »

Fun! Goblins!
Funny, no matter how hard you try to make things challenging, what with using primitive weapons/armor and creatures with very small size, goblins are still laughable threats!

I suppose if the woodcutter had been Top Cat, you'd have said so. Maybe I'll get my chance to die for Screampacks yet!

Ha, well, actually that was probably more tactics than goblins being miniscule threats. I went back and tried a couple "what would have happened if..." runs where I didn't hole them up in the inn, and almost everybody died. I even tried it where I did hole everyone up in the inn, I just only charged with the military cats. And lots of people died. So really, it was force of numbers that was the only thing that saved us. And even so, we got a few serious injuries.

That woodcutter (not Top Cat, indeed) got lucky in that the goblins had already decided to flee when they were discovered. Otherwise, three wrestlers and two bowmen would have torn him up in no time flat.

Rickvoid, when you say "stabber," do you mean you want to be a weapon'd cat? I probably won't be using weapons until I find some iron and a skilled weaponsmith, other than blowguns.
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.


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Re: Screampacks. Goblins ambush. Only one cat dies! (And four injuries.)
« Reply #132 on: February 16, 2010, 03:05:41 pm »

I'd be okay with wrasslin', and smithing, until I can make my own dagger or whatever blade cats use.


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Re: Screampacks. Goblins ambush. Only one cat dies! (And four injuries.)
« Reply #133 on: February 16, 2010, 03:14:53 pm »

Speaking of smithing, how's Ironfang doing?
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Re: Screampacks. Goblins ambush. Only one cat dies! (And four injuries.)
« Reply #134 on: February 16, 2010, 04:04:34 pm »

Ironfang is doing well. He's been smelting a lot of copper, mostly. Also, he'll be the one to make the chains for the jail, when it's time for that endeavor.

Rick, any choice of custom profession?

Also, I forgot to mention. Lapchase has a pet puppy. That puppy killed one of the goblins.

Yes, that's right. A puppy.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 04:07:39 pm by Frogwarrior »
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.
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