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Author Topic: Screampacks. Dwarves repelled, once again. Only 4 cats lost!  (Read 28558 times)


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Re: Screampacks. In whiche our beloved Cattes are faced with another Adversary
« Reply #150 on: February 16, 2010, 10:32:12 pm »

Amalgam's Notes
Well, I knew this would happen. I regret nothing! So worth it.
But now I need to make sure these other schmucks don't pay the price for my past. They're almost as numerous as us, and a lot more dangerous. Half of them have steel armor and axes, so they'll take quite a bit of punishment!
We've built fortifications right above the north gate and have shut the other two, so they'll have to walk right into our line of fire if they want to come get us. Hopefully, we'll be able to deal with them when they do.

For now, they've been sitting to the northeast for weeks. We traded with the caravan, which snuck out through the east gate safely. Hopefully, they'll have a town to come back to!
End Notes
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.

Urist McOverlord

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Re: Screampacks. In whiche our beloved Cattes are faced with another Adversary
« Reply #151 on: February 16, 2010, 11:20:14 pm »

A brief look at the grievously wounded Overcat:
Dwarves! Kill... eat... *cough, hack, cough*
Magma: The cause of, and solution to, all life's problems.

If it moves, it wants to kill you. It may not try to, but it wants to.

The Architect

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Dwarf Fortress: where blunders never cease.
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Oh man. This is truly sig-worthy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Screampacks. In whiche our beloved Cattes are faced with another Adversary
« Reply #153 on: February 17, 2010, 03:58:56 am »

26 Opal. A feline yowl pierced the air, sounding the alarm. To the northeast, the dwarven strike force charged.
"Amalgam Graspsear! Come out and face your fate!" shouted their leader.
Behind the gate, the cats waited in tense anticipation. All except one, who waited above.

(Images have been spoilered)
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A couple brave, and fast, and lightly armored, invaders reached the gate ahead of the pack. "Charge!" shouted Amalgam, and the whole village moved as one. Battle was engaged!

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The cats turned to face the main column, which was rapidly approaching. Abandoning all sense of formation, the oncoming dwarves trusted in their sturdy armor and axes and charged in single file. The front dwarves were quickly surrounded by a writhing mass of feline flesh, and it seemed an impermeable wall of claws and teeth.
But they were reinforced from behind. Even thoroughly outnumbered, they held their own with classic dwarven toughness. A feline citizen caught a powerful swing from a dwarven axe, and landed broken nearly a hundred feet away. Other cats weren't able to dodge all the tough blows, and wounds were many.
Frogwarrior, seeing the carnage, thought better of leaping into the fray. Approaching the reinforcing dwarves, he drew the attention of a few and ran for his life. Feline speed saved him, as two burdened axedwarves and a nimble wrestler followed, accompanied by a barrage of crossbow bolts from the dwarven leader. Behind him, the dead and dying littered the ground.

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Even the dwarves' tough armor was not enough to save the invaders from the onslaught of tooth and masterfully worked elf bone. The cats tore down a few and surged forward. The crossbow-wielding leader, though, reloaded and fired with mechanical flawlessness and accuracy, dealing numerous wounds. Magpie took several bolts to the legs and collapsed. Worked into a frenzy, the cats did their best to avoid the barrage while dodging swinging axes. A woodcutter failed to avoid a blow, and was nearly cut in half. Blood flowed like rain, and the porous ground drank greedily.

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Bengali leapt on a dwarf and tore at his arm, trying to wrest the axe from his grip. He never saw the blow from behind that threw him in a bloody mess against the wooden wall. Top Cat took a crossbow bolt in the eye and fell unmoving. A dwarf took a moment of freedom to hack at the prone Magpie, slashing her to the heart.
But the dwarves were losing. One by one they fell beneath the tormenting claws and darts, until at last only their leader and a handful of scattered axedwarves were left. Taking aim, the expert feline marksman let fly with an elf-bone dart that flew true, straight through the beard and into the throat behind. The rest scattered, and the cats pursued. Only three dwarves escaped.

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Thus the first battle with the dwarves drew to a close. The cats had won, but at no small loss - five more of their number joined the dead, in exchange for thirteen dwarves. Death's harvest had been plentiful this season.
In addition to the deaths, 100killer9 suffered a minor but permanent wound in her lower spine. Cheddarius and one of the wrestlers nearly lost a leg each, while Lapchase suffered a mild wound to his paw.

Post-battle analysis: That unnamed markscat did a hell of a job. 11 of the 13 dwarf kills were attributed to her! The other cats did a lot of good work too, but a lot of it was them holding the dwarves down and incapacitating them while she moved in for the kill-steal.
I didn't originally plan for Frogwarrior to lure enemies away, but he was about to run off alone ahead of the other cats into an approaching column of axedwarves - I unrecruited him. No way I'm gonna let a cat that isn't Amalgam or 100killer9 march out alone like that. And the wrestler and two axedwarves following was too perfect (although the axedwarves quickly fell behind and moved to rejoin the main battle).
It also really helped that the first few dwarves marched out in front of the main force, rather than us hitting them all at once - only the sheer press of bodies carried the day, and it was really necessary for each dwarf that we were fighting to be outnumbered, even though we were pretty evenly matched in numbers this time.

Also, there were 55 dwarf chunks left over. Dwarfloaf, anyone?
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 04:15:48 am by Frogwarrior »
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.

The Architect

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Re: Screampacks. Dwarves have been repelled, but at what cost? Lots.
« Reply #154 on: February 17, 2010, 04:07:26 am »

Also, there were 55 dwarf chunks left over. Dwarfloaf, anyone?

Yes, please. As soon as my spirit has migrated, feed my new flesh dwarf chunks to make it strong!

...don't take that too seriously, it sounds so strange I'm tempted to remove it.
Dwarf Fortress: where blunders never cease.
The sigs topic:
Oh man, this is truly sigworthy...
Oh man. This is truly sig-worthy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Screampacks. Dwarves have been repelled, but at what cost? Lots.
« Reply #155 on: February 17, 2010, 04:17:28 am »

Hehe, strangeness is the name of the game.

Anyone who died, if you want another cat just whistle and I'll get you in. I, and you, may want to wait until the next migrant wave (assuming we get any... we should though, what with the artifact and all the lots of wealth and the only two deaths when the caravan left) to have more options.

Also, I ran an "alternate universe" simulation of an entirely different, terrible strategy. Just because. It didn't end well, but was hilarious. I'll prolly post it after my nap.
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.

The Architect

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Re: Screampacks. Dwarves have been repelled, but at what cost? Lots.
« Reply #156 on: February 17, 2010, 04:22:18 am »

Hehe, strangeness is the name of the game.

Anyone who died, if you want another cat just whistle and I'll get you in.
What does a whistle look like in text? whhhhhhhhhhhh? fweeeeeeeeee?
I, and you, may want to wait until the next migrant wave (assuming we get any... we should though, what with the artifact and all the lots of wealth and the only two deaths when the caravan left) to have more options.
Irrelevant to those who plan on death! Unless any cat awarded now would be some kind of chef or other relatively danger-free job, in which case I decline.

Also, I ran an "alternate universe" simulation of an entirely different, terrible strategy. Just because. It didn't end well, but was hilarious. I'll prolly post it after my catnap.
Won't be awake, but jolly good show. Or something, been watching some Monty Python.
Dwarf Fortress: where blunders never cease.
The sigs topic:
Oh man, this is truly sigworthy...
Oh man. This is truly sig-worthy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Screampacks. Dwarves have been repelled, but at what cost? Lots.
« Reply #157 on: February 17, 2010, 06:11:10 am »

Alright, just let me know any preferences regarding name/custom profession.


In an alternate universe, things proceed differently:
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Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Screampacks. Dwarves have been repelled, but at what cost? Lots.
« Reply #158 on: February 17, 2010, 07:00:41 am »

Hmm... My spine is injured?
I shall claim a part of an immigrants' spine! The other parts are up for grabs for anyone else who was wounded.
Just out of curiosity, what DOES Dwarf Fortress smell like?
Death, Booze, and Insanity.
Ladders are absolutely essential for one reason and one reason only:

Welcome, friends to Slaves to Armok III: Snakes and Ladders.

Stafir Ortnev

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Re: Screampacks. Dwarves have been repelled, but at what cost? Lots.
« Reply #159 on: February 17, 2010, 10:25:34 am »

Lapchase:  My paw my paw....the tuna hurt my paw, I forgot the can opener and was trying to cut it open with my claw, but I cut my paw my paw!
Newbie still learnin the game, don''t mind me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Screampacks. Dwarves have been repelled, but at what cost? Lots.
« Reply #160 on: February 17, 2010, 11:19:18 am »

I shall claim a part of an immigrants' spine! The other parts are up for grabs for anyone else who was wounded.
Man, this could be an epic option once surgery comes in. You could have an iced room just for spare parts from any migrants who dare try to enter your fortress.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Screampacks. Dwarves have been repelled, but at what cost? Lots.
« Reply #161 on: February 17, 2010, 11:44:27 am »

Aww, man. My first mention was my grisly demise.
I shall be avenged! Maybe. But I'll wait for the next immigrant wave.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Screampacks. Dwarves have been repelled, but at what cost? Lots.
« Reply #162 on: February 17, 2010, 05:07:29 pm »

It doesn't stop!

Next on Screampacks: Elves again. Good grief!
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.

The Architect

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Re: Screampacks. Dwarves have been repelled, but at what cost? Lots.
« Reply #163 on: February 17, 2010, 05:19:19 pm »

"Tip Top Cat".

Profession: Irrelevant, so long as he gets to fight. Which everyone seems to get their chance at.
Dwarf Fortress: where blunders never cease.
The sigs topic:
Oh man, this is truly sigworthy...
Oh man. This is truly sig-worthy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Screampacks. Dwarves have been repelled, but at what cost? Lots.
« Reply #164 on: February 17, 2010, 06:41:09 pm »

I am saddened by Natalie's lack of being able to fight. She would truly rain death from above, after all.

and Bengali died? Who will carry out the convoluted complicated plans naooww?
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 06:53:13 pm by tehstefan »
I suspect you've never tried doing many illegal things yet in your game. The second the CCS knows you're "active", they'll come down on you like the hammer of God.
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