And indeed, there were more elves.
But they were tired of finding out they were under attack by having a random pet be murdered. No, this time they'd plan.
The west gate was opened, and Frogwarrior quickly carried out a rope - and immediately went back and dragged a puppy to the line. He darted back inside the gate, which closed behind him. Torture repeated the same process at the north gate, and had hardly finished when a listener at the west wall heard a pitiful yelp. The elves had found the puppy, and were brutally hacking it to pieces with wooden swords.
As fun as it was to hear, now was not the time to enjoy the puppy snuff - now was time for action. The two markscats took their places above the north gate, which was opened. Behind it, the town's melee fighters stood waiting.
And around the corner came the elves, charging towards the open gate in a singing conga line.
Natalie had barely put a dart through the first elf's heart when she heard the second puppy yelping - another group of elves had snuck around the other side, and was setting upon it as well.

More to clear the intruders nearest the gate than to save the puppy, Natalie let fly at the elf which was trying to strangle the pitiful creature. The two markscats rained bony death down upon the elves advancing from both sides - and the puppy, somehow, managed to dodge its assailants as they streamed in.
Soon even the conga wasn't enough to hold the elven resolve, and they scattered in a full retreat. Most of them. The defenders of Screampacks charged, tearing a couple stragglers. The elves had been repelled once again.
A couple weeks later, a stream of migrants made its way to the town. They'd heard Screampacks was different, but they'd no idea how different they'd find it...
Choose your poison victim! New Migrants:
Lraihswle Lancestorms, Stoneworker (F)
Lairssaoe Broilbunion, Fish Dissector (M) - pet cow calf
Xyastwroeok Splitthunders, Trapper (F) - Will trap
Mfioffa Blazeboils, Furnace Operator (F) - Will smelt
Yoirrwo Smashedtrades, Glassmaker (M)
Rraahsa Laborgorge, Mason (M) - Will take over Cheddarius' masonry for now
Mrsiil Naturedent, Peasant (F)
Lieto Murderedbrushed, Fishercat (M) - Will fish
Mraawla Equalscorched, Lye Maker (F)
Niyrrroas Cyclonecharred, Ranger (F) - Will hunt
Kliohs Mobstakes, Fish Dissector (M) - pet cow calf, pet mule
Kfias Controlledroasts, Woodcutter (M) - Will cut wood
Roockleoao Violencechannel, Peasant (M)
Lsseoist Crazytrumpets, Fish Dissector (M)
Loek Striketruss, Clothier (M)
Koaestao Violentperfect, Fish Dissector (F) - Will clean fish
Married to Lairssaoe Clawaxes, Peasant (M) - Will not fight
Children Mrhsaoyneo Serpentwrings, Kitten (F)
and Xteosa Waxdent, Kitten (M)
Nwlaoak Timebreakers, Woodcutter (F) - Will cut wood
Child Rraawrhsaoi Growledchant, Kitten (M)
Unless otherwise specified, any cat above is eligible for military duty. Or, for splosion duty. Meaning they'll only have hauling jobs, and will hang around until they get married and start the kitten factory!