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Author Topic: Screampacks. Dwarves repelled, once again. Only 4 cats lost!  (Read 28560 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Screampacks. Dwarves have been repelled, but at what cost? Lots.
« Reply #165 on: February 17, 2010, 08:58:33 pm »

Death is transitory. He'll turn up again. :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Screampacks. Dwarves have been repelled, but at what cost? Lots.
« Reply #166 on: February 18, 2010, 02:09:42 am »

And he had those pages, which someone might find and continue his mission...  ;)

Anyway. Spring brought all the usual things. Grass, leaves, and crap like that. Oh, and Natalie stumbled out of her hut.
"Where's Bengali?" were the first words she said.
Needless to say, she was livid.

But her grief was not to be prolonged. Only a couple weeks into the year, the elves returned.
Lapchase's puppy had the misfortune to run straight into their leader, a bowman of no small skill. His yelps as he fled from the hail of oaken arrows probably saved the town.
Alarms rang out, and the military mobilized for action. Amalgam and 100killer9 had been patrolling the outskirts, and each found their way to the nearest gate to reinforce. As soon as they were through, the gates were closed, sealing Screampacks off completely from the outside world. This was all-or-nothing. One group would die here.
100killer9 had the good fortune to be right next to the north gate, closest to the bulk of the Screampacks military. Amalgam, however, had just passed the east gate, the very gate the elves had entered through.
Amalgam crept through anyway, taking care not to be noticed by the large column of elven spearmen. As the column headed west towards the center of the town, he snuck around the line of houses just to the south. That leader looked like the most dangerous of the whole lot, and if Amalgam could just get the drop on him...
He snuck around to the south of the armory, unused since Bengali's death. The front of the elven column killed a dog that had been chained there to protect the valuable artifact within from thieves. The leader, thought, stepped behind the building, thinking he heard something. He was expecting there might be a feline citizen cowering in fright. He did not expect a bronze-clad gleaming ball of fangy death.

But that was what he got. He managed to put an arrow in Amalgam's paw before he died, but no more.
Amalgam crawled off to the east, again to the south of the elven force. This time, he was noticed by a single spearman, who drew close to engage. But even a wounded Amalgam was not going to go down easily.

To the north, the rest of the Screampacks military had formed a solid line. Hearing the commotion as Amalgam tore up the elven commander, they advanced. They charged, straight at the front few elves.

A hapless wrestler got a spearpoint in the throat, but other than that the injuries were nearly all elven. 100killer9 lead the assault, and the wrestlers tore into the elves as Natalie and the other markscat rained a barrage of darts. OddProphet sustained a mild injury to a leg, but not enough to keep him from fighting.

Finally the elven menace was routed, as most of them were killed. A few had wandered off to other parts of the town, as had a few cats whose courage broke in the melee. Acting as a team, the feline force rounded up the remaining stragglers and eliminated them with no further injuries.

Wounds were tended to, but they did not yet open the gates. They would not do that until they were sure there were no more elves...
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 02:12:13 am by Frogwarrior »
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.


  • Bay Watcher
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And indeed, there were more elves.

But they were tired of finding out they were under attack by having a random pet be murdered. No, this time they'd plan.
The west gate was opened, and Frogwarrior quickly carried out a rope - and immediately went back and dragged a puppy to the line. He darted back inside the gate, which closed behind him. Torture repeated the same process at the north gate, and had hardly finished when a listener at the west wall heard a pitiful yelp. The elves had found the puppy, and were brutally hacking it to pieces with wooden swords.

As fun as it was to hear, now was not the time to enjoy the puppy snuff - now was time for action. The two markscats took their places above the north gate, which was opened. Behind it, the town's melee fighters stood waiting.

And around the corner came the elves, charging towards the open gate in a singing conga line.

Natalie had barely put a dart through the first elf's heart when she heard the second puppy yelping - another group of elves had snuck around the other side, and was setting upon it as well.

More to clear the intruders nearest the gate than to save the puppy, Natalie let fly at the elf which was trying to strangle the pitiful creature. The two markscats rained bony death down upon the elves advancing from both sides - and the puppy, somehow, managed to dodge its assailants as they streamed in.

Soon even the conga wasn't enough to hold the elven resolve, and they scattered in a full retreat. Most of them. The defenders of Screampacks charged, tearing a couple stragglers. The elves had been repelled once again.

A couple weeks later, a stream of migrants made its way to the town. They'd heard Screampacks was different, but they'd no idea how different they'd find it...

Choose your poison victim! New Migrants:
Lraihswle Lancestorms, Stoneworker (F)
Lairssaoe Broilbunion, Fish Dissector (M) - pet cow calf
Xyastwroeok Splitthunders, Trapper (F) - Will trap
Mfioffa Blazeboils, Furnace Operator (F) - Will smelt
Yoirrwo Smashedtrades, Glassmaker (M)
Rraahsa Laborgorge, Mason (M) - Will take over Cheddarius' masonry for now
Mrsiil Naturedent, Peasant (F)
Lieto Murderedbrushed, Fishercat (M) - Will fish
Mraawla Equalscorched, Lye Maker (F)
Niyrrroas Cyclonecharred, Ranger (F) - Will hunt
Kliohs Mobstakes, Fish Dissector (M) - pet cow calf, pet mule
Kfias Controlledroasts, Woodcutter (M) - Will cut wood
Roockleoao Violencechannel, Peasant (M)
Lsseoist Crazytrumpets, Fish Dissector (M)
Loek Striketruss, Clothier (M)
Koaestao Violentperfect, Fish Dissector (F) - Will clean fish
Married to Lairssaoe Clawaxes, Peasant (M) - Will not fight
Children Mrhsaoyneo Serpentwrings, Kitten (F)
and Xteosa Waxdent, Kitten (M)
Nwlaoak Timebreakers, Woodcutter (F) - Will cut wood
Child Rraawrhsaoi Growledchant, Kitten (M)

Unless otherwise specified, any cat above is eligible for military duty. Or, for splosion duty. Meaning they'll only have hauling jobs, and will hang around until they get married and start the kitten factory!
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 02:31:11 pm by Frogwarrior »
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gem-Tastic!
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Might i claim a second feline?

If so, then Mrsiil Naturedent, Keep her name, but just retype it, to mark her, and i want her to be for kitten-making.

She will make a dent in nature with her offspring!
This is Dwarf Fortress! If we can chuck magma at innocent wildlife, we can do ANYTHING!

It was at this point that I realised that dwarves are actually the essence of chaos. What else can make perpetual motion machines, recursive statues with more building materials than the average tower and has such a short attention span that a damn fine chair can off-set the death of their entire family.

The Architect

  • Bay Watcher
  • Breeding supercows. What I've been doing on DF.
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Sandmelter! Known in fancy-pants circles as Glassmaker.

Named Tip-Top Cat. Runs dog fights on the side for extra cash.
Dwarf Fortress: where blunders never cease.
The sigs topic:
Oh man, this is truly sigworthy...
Oh man. This is truly sig-worthy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Hmm, can I have Roockleoao Violencechannel? Markscat (or wrestler).
Name him Crow, Feline Avenger! He's Magpie's older brother with a chip on his shoulder, if that's not too much to ask.  :D

Stafir Ortnev

  • Bay Watcher
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Lapchase:  My pet kitty they killed my pet kitty and he was gettin so good at huntin.  Hey they got big ears..big lapin?  Big big lapin...gonna get the the lapin..teach them not kill my pet kitty...
Newbie still learnin the game, don''t mind me.


  • Bay Watcher
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I would like to make note that the main reason the markscats are being so super epic is because I'm using my infinite ammo exploit. Both of the now-elite markscats are currently carrying upwards of 125 darts in their quivers, each.
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.

The Architect

  • Bay Watcher
  • Breeding supercows. What I've been doing on DF.
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That doesn't seem excessive given my imagined size of a dart. They could easily take the weight even if the darts are metal, given that they don't need to run or chase enemies. They just stand and deliver.
Dwarf Fortress: where blunders never cease.
The sigs topic:
Oh man, this is truly sigworthy...
Oh man. This is truly sig-worthy.


  • Bay Watcher
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A'right, Tip Top Cat and Crow are in.
Rivesand, I'm going for a "one-at-a-time" policy, so, yeah. Kaluri is currently doing fine with those mechanisms.

The new cats have been integrated into Screampacks just fine, including the 5 new recruits. At this point, though, there are more cats than houses, so two more will be constructed posthaste.

Also... whoa, what? Is that...
A DFMA map?

Holy cow, it is!
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hrm.
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Wow! Holy smokes!

Anyway. A few things, if you don't mind:
1. Why do all the cats have their own rooms? Put them all in one communal sleeping hut, I say. Sleeping in dank, filthy conditions with 20 others builds character!
2. Why are all three bridges open at any one time?
3. You should make a moat. It'll be awesome.

The Architect

  • Bay Watcher
  • Breeding supercows. What I've been doing on DF.
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Interesting grid layout. I'd vote for a few streets at some point.
Dwarf Fortress: where blunders never cease.
The sigs topic:
Oh man, this is truly sigworthy...
Oh man. This is truly sig-worthy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Ever visited a town in Adventure mode? Or, for that matter, embarked on a human town? All the buildings are 100% unmodified (except for the basements and the inn, and I stripped the shops to make room for the workshops) by the point in that map. So, I figure that although I will build a communal sleeping pit eventually, for now I'll build individual houses. Keep up with the schema the town came with, sorta thing. And, when we get an economy, the individual houses will be for the rich elite.

Streets will be there, eventually. For now, I have keep-us-all-from-dying fish to fry.

On that note, five fresh recruits have been selected from the newcomers. They've been armored and are training hard. Good thing, we could always use more melee cats.

Also, one of the cats has been acting oddly - not like Torture, but he's gone off to the forge and made some bronze armor. Have to keep an eye on that one. In the meantime, well, armor is good.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 10:29:57 pm by Frogwarrior »
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hrm.
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Can't you just raise all the bridges?


  • Bay Watcher
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Where's the fun in that? :P

They're really there to seal us off in the event of an insurmountable siege. For now, they'll be open to allow hunting, for one. Also, I like the "open" feel.

I may close all but one and park the military there or something, though. Only YOU can prevent goblin ambushes from killing all your dudes! Where by "you" I mean "me."
Lately, I'm proud of MAGMA LANDMINES:
And been a bit smug over generating a world with an elephant monster that got 87763 sentient kills.
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