Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

More emotional ups and downs

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Abyssal Squid:
I can't speak for everybody else, but my dwarves are either happy forever, or sad forever until they tantrum and make everybody else sad and everybody dies.  In any case, mood is too stable.  I'd like for sad dwarves to get over themselves more quickly, and happy dwarves should have their turn to cry.I'm guessing the reason is because distant memories are too potent.  A dwarf who ate in a fancy dining room a month ago shrugs off the death of a friend five seconds ago, while one with a broken leg is inconsolable because she forgot about the last time she ate in that dining room (a month and one day ago). I'm hoping that making recent memories exponentially more potent than distant ones would make dwarven moods a bit more volatile.Tantrums might have to be modified so they're a bit less destructive, but that should probably be done anyway.


quote:Originally posted by Armok:

quote:Originally posted by Zonhin:

quote: Originally posted by Fenrir:Seconded.Seconded.


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