Dwarf Fortress > DF Modding

Any Animal Mods?

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Are there any animal mods with "real-life" animals on them, simply extending DF's animal kingdom?  And if there are, how many animals are in them?  Also, I guess they will need to be re-created when the new version is released.

If there are no plans for one, who would be with me in trying to make one?

There is one somewhere, I'm sure...

Hm, found more than one. Chariot's Zoo Mod (84 animals) is the one I used to use, but there's also the Angler Mod (35 water-creatures) for water diversity, and lots of the larger mods add domestic animals (Dig Deeper, for example).

Personally, I'd be interested in a mod that makes the animals a bit more distinct. They all move at the same rate, and they all bite, and practically none of them even have horns or antlers. And then there are some Biomes where you deal with the same creatures over, and over again.
Deserts and Mountains are particularly bad for this, and adventure mode is basically just wolf after wolf after bear, after wolf.

There's a Turtle Mod over at DFFD which expands the turtles you get, exponentially.

Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me! I've been meaning to add that, once I've weeded out the duplicates. Its sheer passion for turtles is something to behold.

Looks like we're in look, what with today's Dev Log and all. A little SUSPICIOUS actually. Has Rainseeker been whispering in Toady's ear?


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