Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions


(1/4) > >>

Would be handy, for debugging.  At the moment what I do is zip up the save, then play, save; delete the save and unzip.  The 'save' takes half of forever (even on pocket worlds it's not quite instant), and the delete / unzip operation is error-prone.  I haven't accidentally deleted the wrong thing yet, but I've been using computers for too long to believe I won't do it in the future.I could see making it an init option to add the quit-without-saving command, so that people don't accidentally hit it and weep at the loss of their entire season.

CTL + ALT + DEL -> End Task.You can't bugger up your save anymore.

For what it's worth, Command-Q on Macs will quit without saving.

Why do you zip the saves? They're not large, and you can just copy/paste them from/into the save folder - it'll just add a (1) after the folder name. Easy backup.Tho what I would like the menu to look like...Save - Saves to new folder, or overwrites old save if old save selected
Save & Quit - Saves as normal
Quit Without Saving - Will be prompted with warning and asked to confirmFull feature, easy and concise save and quit functions - somewhat undermines the permadeath feature, but we can do that now anyway; it's just a bit more cumbersome.

Killing the process no longer buggers up the save?  That's good to know.I zip (actually, tar) only because then it's in a convenient package that doesn't look like a directory, but looks like it must be the thing I'm meant to unzip.


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