Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

More hard. Flooding. Tital Waves. EVIL.

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Gentlemen.I love Dwarf Fortress. But we need more hard - and granted the game can be difficult currently, having more difficulty options available would "spice things up a bit" and be funny at the same time. Losing is fun, after all.My proposals as follow:
Weather related -----
1.Adverse weather phenomena. As it stands currently we experience weather - storms, blizzards, rain, etc, but we do not experience adverse weather phenomena that could in theory occur. Tidal waves. Hurricanes. Earthquakes. Standard disaster stuff. Example: Fortress Joebob is having a great year, then, FLOOD and water spills into the fortress, flooding it, because they built too close to the river. Woopsie.2.EXTREMELY adverse weather conditions. End of the world stuff - raining blood, football sized hail, supercell thunderstorms that cause forest fires and really wreck up the place. Meteor storms. Dimensional portals in evil areas, uhoh, demons. Nowyou gon' done it.General difficulty ---
1.More harder biomes. "Terrifying" is certainly terrifying, but I'd like "Horrific" and "Hell". What would be special about these? More zombies. Demons. More undead. More evil, the very earth is a blighted nightmare that is poison. Dwarves are constantly unhappy and the sun is blotted out during all hours. Crops wilt and die. Insanity and pestilence stalk the fortress. Every moment of existence is misery and death. Fun.2."The taint". Evil should really mean something. Expeditions and fortresses in evil areas should have all sorts of problems to contend with beyond the terrain and wildlife. Extended exposure to the surface or tainted areas would cause birth defects in children, mutations in adults. Obviously these could have different effects - stillborn children every year would suck less then, oh, a vestigal thumb.I rifled through the bloats and etc, and nothing really like this was there, so here I am.Not perfect, I know.

And getting snowed in.  Particularly violent weather could force all dwarves inside...

I'm all for more weather. How about meteor strikes? Extremely rare (but happens periodically during world generation) and yields a rare metal with bizarre properties. And if you're unlucky enough to have a fortress where the meteor hits - Ambivalent Universe 1, Dwarven Architecture 0.

I don't like meteors because it's just ridiculously rare to ever witness one during the game.  I can count on one hand the number of times I've heard of a meteor hitting a modern day city...and they're all fist-sized.  As a player, I don't like events that are super-rare because it's disappointing not to get them--like a meltdown in SimCity...I'm all for more weather though, as I've agreed in many other posts before!

I definitely think there's value in having weather have more effects. Make it worthwhile to set up a drawbridge over your outdoors crops, and have to set up a bucket brigade to drain the bottom levels whenever there's heavy rainfall (or else set up proper drainage so it isn't a problem).


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