Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

More varied worldgen display


These are bloat-scale ideas, or even powergoal-scale ideas:On the subject of the worldgen display, here's some thoughts.  There may be more interesting things to do besides just zoom in on a city every hundred years.  I know Toady likes to keep history...hidden...but there's no reason we couldn't see SOME neat things, possibly with a lot of historic information left out.  You could flip between all sorts of little informative displays, and they don't all have to be realtime.  You could watch the map for a while...  Then, if nothing interesting is going on, it could flip over to a historic summary of something for a while.  Like, "Observe the growth of this human empire's borders from 0-400 in ten seconds, kinda like the end-game summary in Civilization!" or "Zoom in and watch this savage region border get pushed back, in fast forward!" or "Watch this family tree get built up, centered around the current empire ruler, as branches pop up and get pruned off and the focus moves around." And, though I know NPC heroes don't actually *fight* monsters for real, it'd be kind of neat to watch a high speed version of an epic fight...or an army fight...or something.They're distant-future ideas, but still...maybe interesting interface-level stuff.

There was a little talk of this in FotF3, and it seems that things like this will get into dwarf fortress. Weather that is before or after doomsday is uncertain. I'm all for it- especially if this kind of information can be seen in Legends mode.

It certainly would be interesting to zoom in on two rival cities as small border skirmishes escalate into ten-thousand strong army conflicts during world-gen. Perhaps you can set DF to 'record' various events (pre-defined by the user pre-worldgen) as movies that you can then watch at your leisure?

Awesome+, all of it.

Ooo...And this isn't *worldgen*, exactly, but it sure would make a nice reward for historic research if you got to watch movies of past events once you researched enough of the legends.  Even if 'movies' just means 'an animated map of territory ownership through the ages, with ?s for unknown bits'.Not sure how to handle recording battles, as that would quickly get...large on the disk...but still.  Maybe ones that didn't happen with the player present could just be procedurally generated, "Here are the two sides, here's a random seed, it'll always look the same if you generate it again".Now that's some unlockable content that seems totally within the spirit of DF.


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