Dwarf Fortress > DF Dwarf Mode Discussion

How to Complete a Megaproject?

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In my current fort, I have almost finished casting a 33x33x18 obsidian tower. However, it turns out that I grossly overestimated the number of levels I would need for my apartment complex, and thus I have absolutely no use for the top 6 levels.

So: What should I do with a 6 z-level thick 33x33 obsidian block? I of course have magma and water pump stacks available, but they're in the cast and scaffolding and I intend to remove them once the project is complete, so nothing that involves neverending supplies of magma or water should be suggested. Limited supplies of these things are of course acceptable.

My current idea is somewhat boring: carve out, smooth, and engrave a massive bowl on the top of the tower and fill it with lava. I think I can manage to make it 7 z-levels deep if I build a wall out of screw pumps to hold in the lava on the top level and then pump water through them, too.


I'd probably go with a swimming pool! Make it your meeting area. like 3/7 water would do good I think. Risky dwarfs can go to the deep end.

Or you could opt to build a magma swimming pool.  Best of both worlds.

Me?  I'd fancy it up, make the top 6 levels nightmare-fuel-esque designs that would cause even M.C. Escher to scratch his head.

Lord Dakoth:
Hmm. Urist McPhilosopher suggests a Dwarven Particle Accelerator. Hmm. Preferably one that accelerates particles of Noble in the direction of the ground. Hmm. Preferably not the Philosopher, though; he's a pretty chill guy.

Other than that... a bestiary? Filled with Dangerous Beasties! Make it your ongoing megaproject to acquire as many different species of animals as you can and put them in your Dwarven Petting Zoo.

If it's cast obsidian, (not constructed obsidian) you could even muddy the floor so that you can grow plants, and make it all jungle-like.

Heated swimming pool.

An outer 1 tile wide/deep layer of magma with an inner bowl of water.


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