Dwarf Fortress > DF Dwarf Mode Discussion

Megaconstruction assistance.

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Righto then wanderers of the DF forums, im looking for anyone with an imgaination and a bit of experience with megaconstructions, i havn't ever followed through and actually made one, although i have often started and decided about 3 minutes later that im really not feeling like the effort right now, but i have recentily stumbled upon a lot of free time, and a reasonably promising map.
the map has something like 35+ z levels of terrain from the ground floor, plus the standard underground and sky levels, is fairly very small, possibly even only a 1x1 embark, i cant remember, the map is basically just a mountain with a steep slope in one corner where my fortress is nestled, next to a magma pipe and an aquifer layer, now, with all these z-levels i was sorely tempted to make a spiralling tower out of 4 intertwined mini-towers, but DF is a little limiting when it comes to curviness, so, do any of you have any fabulous ideas for a megaconstruction? the more magma and waterfalls the better, of course!


--- Quote from: Fuumin on February 02, 2010, 03:55:25 pm ---Righto then wanderers of the DF forums, im looking for anyone with an imgaination and a bit of experience with megaconstructions, i havn't ever followed through and actually made one, although i have often started and decided about 3 minutes later that im really not feeling like the effort right now, but i have recentily stumbled upon a lot of free time, and a reasonably promising map.
the map has something like 35+ z levels of terrain from the ground floor, plus the standard underground and sky levels, is fairly very small, possibly even only a 1x1 embark, i cant remember, the map is basically just a mountain with a steep slope in one corner where my fortress is nestled, next to a magma pipe and an aquifer layer, now, with all these z-levels i was sorely tempted to make a spiralling tower out of 4 intertwined mini-towers, but DF is a little limiting when it comes to curviness, so, do any of you have any fabulous ideas for a megaconstruction? the more magma and waterfalls the better, of course!

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Well, unless you're using Nanofortress, the minimum is 2x2. A lot of people like to do pyramids to start off with, towers are also a good choice, and my personal favorite, giant stone spheres. Really, just do whatever you fancy. If it doesn't work out, you can always try again. I suggest that before you try something really big you start off with smaller, simpler designs.

You can always incorporate multiple ideas into one megaproject as well, or simply pick a theme for your entire fort (ie. pirate cove, bustling metropolis with skyscrapers and cubicles, merchant port city, space station, etc) and make a bunch of projects that come together for that theme. Another suggestion would be to construct some sort of giant statue or other icon. As for the four spiralling towers... yeah, I don't reccommend starting with that. I'm considering doing something similar with just two spiralling towers, but that alone is going to be hell on my mental planning, so I might not even follow through with it.

My first megaproject was making a good ten or so 5x6 towers and a few 7x8 ones that go really high, the create a massive bridge system around the top. It didn't use any mechanisms, so you could probably do much better. Fun for adventure mode though. Try a castle, I'm making one now. In a desert. On an aquifer. In a mountain. Where no civilizations can reach me. (no wood. ;-;)


--- Quote from: Retro on February 02, 2010, 04:35:12 pm ---pirate cove,

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That's an excellent idea... too bad I already have a megaproject planned for the next release. It would be nice if you could switch to adventure mode while the area is still active, so you don't have to abandon it and can interact with your dwarves...


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