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Author Topic: Sigtext  (Read 1107060 times)


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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #585 on: December 16, 2014, 07:41:11 pm »

Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
So NAV killed your parents?
I wish lo. We need to stop posting, I still have foolish dreams of this becoming Necrothreat 2 in a few years.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2014, 08:43:19 pm by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #586 on: January 02, 2015, 02:46:41 pm »

Wow, that was a bloody turn. As a seasoned Deathgater, I hereby award Wolfkit the Yuli Vlasi Award for Lifetime Achievement, the medal of all those who successfully butchered our military.

You're in august company, son.
You wanna frisk this guy? This guy with the technicolor wonder limbs? The limbs that could probably slap you on several different levels of reality?
I like that the response to all of the skin totally detaching from someone's body and slithering into the vents is met with "You B****-ass sentient pile of skin I'm gonna shove that ambiguous flab of skin right up that other ambiguous flab of skin."
Your tabs are just pure chaos, Wolfkit.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 08:38:51 pm by Wolfkit »
You wanna frisk this guy? This guy with the technicolor wonder limbs? The limbs that could probably slap you on several different levels of reality?
Your tabs are just pure chaos, Wolfkit.


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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #587 on: January 17, 2015, 08:59:07 pm »

I try not to think about it too much, but while humiliating an elf queen after she hocked some spit on me I was removing her limbs and then waiting an hour so she wouldn't bleed out and each time she respawned with a full set of clothing, which then results in "the elf queen loses hold of the..." with all the stuff that would go on missing limbs falling to the ground.

When you consider you can wrestle someone and grab their back teeth with your lower leg while applying a joint lock on their knee with the upper part of the same leg, dorfs start to resemble some sort of bearded 4 limbed monstrosity which behaves like a cross between an octopus, a bunch of velcro, and far too many fingers.
Put into this light, Dr. Robotnik and Armok could easily have been roommates.

Known as That_Kobold on BYOND


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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #588 on: January 18, 2015, 12:43:15 am »

Sometimes I look back through these and see the things people sigged me on.

I feel significantly less funny these days.
Not sure why.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #589 on: January 18, 2015, 08:56:55 am »

Reserving for future sig worthy quotes.

Current Sig:
No longer extremely unavailable!
Sig text
ArcTech: Incursus. On hold indefinitely.

Previous sigs:
Quote from: Hex
+++Cucumber Cucumber Cucumber. Out Of Cheese Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot.+++

Bay12 has too many Flames.
And not enough !!FLAMES!!.
Why are the flames on fire in the first place?

Quote from: From OoC D&D quotes
This room, against all odds, has Euclidean geometry.

The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!

I think I just lost the game

And then there also was this report of elves bringing bags of magma.

((I can't remember my original sig :( ))

Other sig worthy quotes:
Quote from: A Wise Man
"When in doubt, C4."

"don't go to 4chan. 'tis a silly place"

The Hammer Lord bites The Forgotten Beast in the upper body, tearing the fat and bruising the muscle and bruising the right lung!
The Forgotten Beast is having more trouble breathing!
The Hammer Lord latches on firmly!

Wait a Minute,*Stares Closely* It's A Tentacle of Some Kind! What A Surprise!

Pff, screw causality.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 09:34:43 am by Dutrius »
No longer extremely unavailable!
Sig text
ArcTech: Incursus. On hold indefinitely.


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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #590 on: January 21, 2015, 04:06:35 pm »

All those old and retired/extended sigs:
Forum quotes:
Urist McSoldier: "I have mastered Dodge. Watch!"

*dodges off a cliff*

Urist McSoldier has died after colliding with an obstacle.

Well, there ya go.

Good news is, we've got a direct line to Jesus via Rumrusher, the bad news is, apparently the universe was created by a deity that plays dorf fortress... we're fucked.
I find it amusing as to how we found a science project that doesn't involve magma.
Everyone everywhere is varying degrees of stupid.
Welcome, newcomer, to this place of madness, also referred to as the forums of the Twelfth Bay. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Son, you are fucked.
I remember the days - back before sigtexts and all that crap - when it was actually an honour to be in someone's sig.
Now, anyone with a keyboard can spout nonsense and be pinned up in a post nobody reads and all the meaning has been drained from it.

And someone's probably going to stick this in their sigtext just to spite me.
No risk is too great if the rewards are turquoise-studded socks and troll fur thongs.
They say history is learning about the mistakes of the past so we don't repeat them.
I say history is learning about fucking cool shit.
Forum Game Quotes:
Proposal: No more Proposals until some semblance of Reality exists.
Dwarfy Quotes:
Also, dear Armok this isn't even an adventure anymore, I think it's just a war crime now... after discovering that you can behead a goblin in mid-air with a battle axe after sending it flying with a war hammer, I uh... continued my experiments... in the process I learned you can do this trick in lots of ways, you could choose to just remove arms or legs if you felt like it... or you could go all out and bisect them... but see, that isn't enough for my little vampire dorfchick, no, Armok needs blood, and so does she... I got thirsty while knocking headless goblin corpses into other goblins and went to feed on one, in the process I discovered I could also feed on the one I just sent flying but hadn't yet killed... one thing led to another, and then I bisected another gob and on a hunch tried to feed on them in mid-air: yeah, I think the only way that could have been more horrifying is if I gelded him in the process.
Other quotes:
"To some a dream come true, to others an offensive piece of crap". -Toady One

"Ass möde is a way of life" -Craig Ferguson

Random internet quotes:
After 8pm
Please do not refer to rookies as or derivatives of the following: meat shields, blood bags, mobile cover, red-shirts, the distraction, dead men walking. It reduces their willingness to function as such.

To all those above:

You have been sigged!

Ideas I've had for games someone should make and I will if I ever get the chance to:
Post-Apocalyptic MMO
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
You are the Resistance in an Occupied City
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 12:28:30 pm by Quartz_Mace »
Welcome, newcomer, to this place of madness, also referred to as the forums of the Twelfth Bay. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Quartz Mace cancels living: demons embedded in everything.
Ass möde is a way of life
Retired/Extended Sigs


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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #591 on: March 01, 2015, 01:53:52 pm »

'Bout time I get a spot on here.



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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #592 on: March 02, 2015, 02:36:00 pm »

Is it just me or is even KoSS's sig calling me wanker?
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination
  TD1 has claimed the title of Penblessed the Endless Fountain of Epics!
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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #593 on: March 27, 2015, 09:29:00 pm »

My Pinterest

Sorry for my grammar and spelling, I have Dyslexia amongst other problems.


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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #594 on: March 27, 2015, 09:30:01 pm »


Orange Wizard

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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #595 on: March 28, 2015, 02:47:38 am »

... people post to watch the sig thread, apparently.
Please don't shitpost, it lowers the quality of discourse
Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.


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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #596 on: March 28, 2015, 07:57:54 am »

aw poop, that wasn't the modify button at ALL!

Someone teach monk to modify before he hurts himself...
7/10 Has much more memorable sigs but casts them to the realm of sigtexts.

Indeed, I do this.


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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #597 on: March 29, 2015, 08:16:26 pm »

aw poop, that wasn't the modify button at ALL!

Someone teach monk to modify before he hurts himself...

The fact that I've done it twice in the same thread is embarrassing. Also sigworthy.

Dozebôm Lolumzalìs

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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #598 on: April 21, 2015, 05:07:38 pm »

aw poop, that wasn't the modify button at ALL!

Someone teach monk to modify before he hurts himself...


&%@* you dwarves!  &%@* you and your booze.

Quote from: LordBucket
Help!  I've fallen from grace and I can't get up!


Dwarves aren't really stupid and smart at the same time.  They're like Australians from Team Fortress 2.  They're incredibly intelligent, but lack common sense.  They can build a perpetual motion machine from two water wheels and a screw pump, but don't have the common sense to avoid getting shot in the face chasing down a stray sock in a battle field.

It's like a happy ending to a predictable Disney movie:

"I've searched all over the place, But I just can't find the spirit of dwarfiness..."

"Don't you see, King DZA? You've been so occupied with looking for the spirit of dwarfiness, that the one place you forgot to look, was inside yourself. The dwarf you've been searching for has been you, all along!"

Damn, it doesn't show it.  The Dwarven Baby was also a ghost, but died of thirst.

This was an AMBUSH!  They've been plotting for years.  YEARS!  They must have lured THOUSANDS of dwarves to their deaths on this island.  A perfect place for an outpost.  Warm, mineral-rich, with everything that's needed for life, and a perfect place to lie in wait for the next lot of migrants. But by the same measure...  This perfect trap is an island. Therefore there must be a finite number of badgers around to carry out this dastardly plan.  They will die.  All of them.

...and grandpas will tell stories about how a Toad once created a universe inside his hard drive, about how elves traded cloth and were drowned in magma, about how goblins were melted and reforged into weapons, about how a dwarf ate a demon rat that tasted like SATAN, and about his adventurer that got beheaded by a peasant with his own axe.

Dwarves have always struck me as odd creatures...

Pretty much anywhere they appear, they've got some common traits.  They like to live underground.  They mine.  They make things out of stone and metal.  They like booze.  They build absolutely ginormous structures underground.

What kind of mindset does all that imply?

It seems like they're almost innately greedy.  Like they really enjoy digging up piles of gold and silver and adamantium for no other reason than simply to have the gold and silver and adamantium.

They also seem kind of paranoid.  Or fearful.  Or insecure.  They're always digging into the ground, building gigantic fortresses that should be able to withstand just about anything.  You seldom see these fortresses under attack...  Yet they're frequently empty or abandoned.  Dwarves are often portrayed as a race in decline. 

Are the fortresses there for psychological reasons?  Are they trying to hold back entropy itself, rather than the goblin hordes?

Maybe they, as a race, are deeply aware of their mortality.  They know, at a fundamental level, that the entire species is going extinct.  Maybe the best they can manage is to drink away the hours and try to build monuments that will outlive their species.

Anything that happens in your land is your fault.  If the merchants decided to show up next to a volcano and jump in, it would still (somehow) be your fault.  If their liaison dies of old age on your doorstep, it's your fault.  If you accidentally lock the elves in the depot and wait until they're insane to capture them in cages and then lock the next group of elves in the depot and unleash the insane elves their cages, that's still somehow your fault.

The police have investigated the police, and found no evidence of wrongdoing.




Smelting in your backyard

...flooding your living area with magma seems terribly irresponsible.

You will never fully appreciate Dwarves while still clinging to foreign ideals.

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Last Edit: September 01, 2017, 02:49:21 pm

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« Last Edit: August 27, 2018, 10:33:25 pm by Dozebôm Lolumzalìs »
Quote from: King James Programming
...Simplification leaves us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes...
Quote from: Salvané Descocrates
The only difference between me and a fool is that I know that I know only that I think, therefore I am.


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Re: Sigtext
« Reply #599 on: May 02, 2015, 06:31:27 am »

Using very feminine and suggestive body language whilst tearing their throat out with your teeth. Confuse their boners even in death.
What the hell kind of anime are you watching!?
The good kind.

Everything is kosher, but bonus points if it's something eccentric or demented like Insatiable Urge For Human Flesh and such.

Subtly Fantasy an Interactive Fiction Game

This is my Steam account. I like friends so friend me and we will be friendly.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 05:01:48 am by Gamedragon »
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