Melee Combat:
Each round, the players go first, then the enemy.
Combat is based on 1d20s. Attack chance is based on weapons.
A natural 20 on a hit roll will bypass all dodge/block rolls, including armor, and reroll any hits that land on hands/feet.
If the enemy has a shield or buckler, they will roll to block, usually 11 or over. Otherwise the player must roll higher than the attacker's hit roll to successfully dodge.
Arrows bypass dodging and halve armor protection.
If at any time the attacker rolls a 1, the attack is blocked/dodged and countered unless the person is using a ranged weapon or polearm. If they are using a shield, the counter-attack will be a shield bash rather than a regular attack. A shield bash will also occur if a block roll is a natural 20.
If the hit succeeds, roll a power roll. If it is 10 or under, deduct damage points based on how far below it was. If it rolls 19 or over, the attack is a critical hit, and the damage is doubled and the victim is bowled over. If it rolls 17 or 18, the attack will stumble the victim, giving them a -5 on their next to-hit roll. Arrows do not have power rolls.
Weapon Damage
Material damage multipliers:
Steel - 6
Iron - 4
Copper - 3
Bone - 1.5
Wood - 1
Armor protects certain areas of your body. Different materials protect better. Armor multiplier is multiplied by damage. Some weapons, like guns, can negate armor.
Steel - 0.4
Iron - 0.6
Copper - 0.8
Bone - 0.9
Skin/hide, wood - 0.95
Breastplate, mail - torso
Helm, mask - head
Leggings - legs + groin
Boots - feet
Vambraces - arms
Gauntlet - hands
Greaves - legs
Shield - left arm, blocks damage
Unarmed Combat
Unarmed combat is fairly simple. Punching is a low-power attack but beneficial in that if you roll a foot/leg/hand hit you disregard it (unless you were aiming). It cannot cause bleeding and can only do up to 5 damage, max.
Archery is a bit more complex. The archer first takes a d20 roll to see if the shot makes it, 11 and above. Fletching modifiers apply here. Dodge rolls are bypassed. The arrow is multiplied by the armor modifier with halved effectiveness (.6 steel armor becomes .

. If it is successful, damage is rolled based off the bow and the arrow multiplier. All rolls are affected by the Marksman skill.
Steel - 4
Iron - 2
Copper - 1.1
Bone, wood - 1
Similarly, thrown weapons are considered archery but damage is based on normal weapon damage. Dodges get a -5 modifier versus a thrown weapon, and blocks a -1. Thrown weapons will not bypass armor.
Bleeding can only be caused by edged weapons. Arrows will only cause bleeding if removed.
Normal - 1 HP drain
Badly - 2 HP drain
Seriously - 3 HP drain
Severely - 4 HP drain
Grievously - 5 HP drain
Fatally - 10 HP drain
ex. Cheddarius is seriously bleeding! = 3 HP drain per turn or battle turn.
Each day, each unbound wound rolls for infection. On a d10, 1 causes infection for a 1 hp drain per day. Following infection, a 1-2 roll causes infection to get 1 level worse as per the bleeding scale. A 10 roll causes the infection to get 1 level better.
Herbs and medicines have a certain chance of success and effect. For example, you might have Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics: d20. 19-20 cure 2, 17-18 cure 1. Appropriate skills have a multiplier on medicines of 50%+10% per level. If the skill modifier is less than 100%, the chances are rolled as if it were 100%, but on success it also must pass the modifier's roll to succeed. For example, a Dabbling healer, using Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics would roll a normal d20. If schle got 19, schle would roll again, 50% or above meaning success. The chances for unknown medicines - for example, herbs - will not be shown unless identified successfully. Identification lasts 1 hour. A 20 roll on a 1d20 successfully identifies the herb's effects - medicinal skills apply with a 100%+10% per level multiplier.
Hit Generation
1-2 Head
3-6 Torso
7-8 Left arm
9 Left hand
10-11 Right arm
12 Right hand
13-14 Groin
15-16 Left leg
17 Left foot
18-19 Right leg
20 Right foot
Spear: 2d8 damage. 15-16 is a critical.
Wolf bite: 2d8 damage. 10-16 is a critical.
Rock: 3 to hit: 1d4 damage. No criticals.
Spear: 12 to hit: 2d8 damage. 15-16 is a critical.
Javelin: 12 to hit: 2d8 damage. 15-16 is a critical.
Atlatl: 15 to hit: 4d6 damage. 19-20 is a critical.