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Author Topic: Chaosfactions (Turn 37: Song of Storms, The First Healer and Deadly Winds)  (Read 80367 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Fire at will!
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I apologize for lateness, it's Minecraft's fault. And Tako's.  :P
Also, Acanthus posted, but didn't post an action so ... since he was unconscious he'll just be skipped for this turn.

Turn 29

Extend my sword and use my binoculars to find someone that looks like they need to die.

(1) Being the show-off you are, you pull out your awesome sword and push the button on the buttom. The blade opens at the top and another one shoots from the top, stopping as it extends to the same length as the first one. With your now double-sized weapon, you keep it in one hand while looking through the binoculars with the other. Looking for something that says "hurt me" other than a emo, you spy along the landscape. After searching with the surroundings with your sharp eyes, but you don't spot anything of particular interest. Then out of nowhere, a loud bang like the one a few minutes ago is heard again. Turning your head, you stare towards the castle on the horizon. Smoke is rising from one of the way oversized cannons that the fort is holding. Knowing this is a very bad sign, you randomly swing around your seeing-tool, looking around to find what was just fired from there. Then you spot something in mid-air, flying in your direction. Managing to still bring out "Aww, crap." before impact, you duck as you're hit by the unknown projectile. With your awesome hill-dweller skills, you manage to catch your fall and are astonished that it didn't injure you badly. Suddenly it comes to you what that thing that smashed into you was, but the others of the group don't know yet.

I walk over to Grey, convince him to stop using Acanthus as a weapon (At least for now), and heal Acanthus. Somehow.

(4) Seeing that the giant Gray is still holding Acanthus in his hand, you think that you should get him to stop using him as a weapon before he's smashed to dust. Walking over to Mr. Mutant, you ask him very nicely to give back the "fallen" teammate as Dragnar put it. "Whatever." With an annoyed look on his face, he drops Acanthus on the floor pretty roughly and goes back to his own business. You see this as your chance to get him back to the world of the thinking living. Kneeling next to him and holding your hands up, you focus on mending his wounds and returning him to consciousness. You're a pretty skilled enchanter so making a little adjustment like this shouldn't be too hard right? Well, if it were that way then nobody would have to fear dieing since they would be healed all the time. Nonetheless, you don't dwell on the logic in your actions too much. This is in fact Acanthus we're talking about. Logic has no effect on him anyway. Focusing your energy in your palms, you start to transfer it to him and modify his body. After a while you manage to "enchant" his wounds to close and his brain to just wake him up already. After finishing you're quite worn out, but at least mister sleepyhead is back and awake.

Use Terramancy to shift the mountains slightly, letting the water out.

(1) After hearing out the problem of Tarran's village, you think that you can do something about it. After all you managed to stop the Behemoth in his tracks with the powers of earth so this shouldn't be a big deal. Telling Tarran that you'll handle it, you take him a little farther up where you can get a better view of the castle. What you don't know is that it also got a better look at you. Putting your hands on the floor, you prepare to go through the usual routine again when suddenly a loud noise interrupts your concentration. You lift your head and look around, trying to find out what just happened. Then you spot Tallan laying next to the side of the mountain behind you, a dwarf-sized metal ball rolling around not far from him. "Huh, at least I wasn't hit aga-" SMASH. As you were about to finish your sentence, a sizeable chunk of material hit you in the back and send you flying. Landing next to Tarran, you say hi to him after hitting the floor. Getting back up, you look what just hit you and see another one of those spheres rolling around. The two of them suddenly change direction and roll towards you, but come to a stop a few feet before reaching the two of you. You'd get closer to them if you weren't so afraid that they'd jump up and hit you in the head or something.

I will have a nice hat! I magically pull some parts from the ground and use them to change my hat into a steampunk wizard's hat... somehow.

(5) Still not being able to get over the fact that your hat may look wizardy but still doesn't do anything, you decide to make your own episode of "Pimp my Ride!" The only things you need are raw material and where do you get those? From the ground of course! So using your hands as literal claws and your staff as a makeshift shovel, you start digging downwards into the unknown, looking for something of use. As you cut your way through the soil, your staff suddenly hits something hard and a clonk noise is heard. Sitting down, you uncover it with your hands and find a weird mechanical contraption that somewhat resembles a human being. But you can't be bothered with the details as you rip parts off and put them in your robes. Nobody will ever find out the mysteries of this thing since you completely disintegrated it into scrap metal. With this newfound resource you start tinkering on your hat, trying to turn it into something wonderful. After working around for a while, you've come up with a cone full of turning wheels and cogs, with small metal plates covering most of it. Putting it on, you're not quite sure what it does, but at least it has moving parts. Still better than most action figures nowadays. Seriously, who would be 10 bucks for a Rambo figure with non-movable arms?

I'll head towards the castle via climbing the cliff face

(1) Instead of taking the gradually rising, flat up-hill path, you decide to go hardcore and instead just climb up the whole thing like a badass pro would do it. Running down the hill, you almost fail to slow down and faceplant into the wall, but you manage to stop just in time. Without any way to secure yourself incase you drop, you just have to go for it and hope you don't. Climbing is, after-all, just the same routine over and over. One hand, one foot. Other hand, other foot. Pushing yourself against the cliff, you start making your way steadily to the top. Going upwards, you manage to go on quite a while without making any mistakes, one foot/hand at a time. However, as you're getting closer to the top you're also getting closer to exhaustion. Not being used to the intense strain that ascending up a wall puts on your body, you start to lose your strength and with that also your grip. "Come on ... just a little farther ... Right foot ... Right hand ... Left foot ... Right foot ... wait ... GAH! After that failed move, your hands slip of the rocks and you tumble down the wall. (4) Being the lucky guy you are, you manage to push yourself off the wall while falling and land in a pile of wet soil. The soft material dampens your velocity, but you can't stop you still feel like you've broken your arm on the way down. That'll impair your hand-to-hand combat quite a bit.

Drop my weapon and ask the material supply for some cloth to make bandages.

(3) After Wemic tells you to drop your improvised weapon, you know that it's best to just listen to him and let Acanthus fall to the ground. You didn't need him anymore anyway since he didn't prove as useful as you expected. So instead you think up a new masterful plan that requires a complex way of thinking and a huge amount of brain cells. But as a super smart mutant, something like that isn't a problem for you. Taking out your little box, you ask it to give you some cloth. Here is where vocabulary comes in. Cloth is a finished product whereas fabric is a woven material that cloth is made from. So the Porta-Supply refuses to throw out finished products to you, but you don't realize your error. So in the end you just give up and think about strings. Finally the material storage responds and throws out a pile of strands. At least you have something that you might be able to use now.

Get my bearings, and look for an exit.

(2) Yeah, well your outside so searching for an exit is something pretty unnecessary. Still you really want to get out of there so you search for the only exit that could exist. Some kind of portal to another plane or a different world. After strapping your guitar across your back and looking like a awesome rockstar, you get to work. Looking under every rock and behind every wall, in every pit and on top of every hill, you just can't seem to find anything that looks like a inter-dimensional gateway. Depressed by this you sit down at the edge of an cliff. When there's a sudden burst of strong wind, you almost fall down, but you manage to keep yourself from slipping of and get back away from certain death. Maybe you should be more careful next time and do something that actually makes sense?

Stick to Opal because she seems to be my new bud. Suggest to the group to raid the fortress with my knowledge of the inside.

(1) Having finished talking to the other new guy, Opal suddenly approaches him and tells him something about "moving the mountains" and "getting the water back into the lake". Listening, you see that she starts pulling him away from the group. You don't like it at all that she's alone with that new guy, even though your new yourself. You may never know, maybe he's an enemy spy that came to ... well, spy on the group? Or he could be an assassin waiting to get a chance to strike at your teammate! Not being able to let this happen, you duck behind rocks and follow the two by jumping from one hide-out to the other. Not after long they arrive at the end of a hill. Opal kneels down and starts doing something, but you're paying attention to the guy standing next to her. When he suddenly pulls out his sword and extends it to twice its normal length, you know that something has to be very wrong. As he starts looking around with his binoculars, you think that he's making sure that nobody's watching so he can do his evil deed. Not being able to hold it out anymore, you jump out and are about to tackle him when suddenly a metal ball hits him square in the face and sends him flying into the wall. You stop in your tracks and wonder what the heck just happened when another one flies into Opal and throws her into the hill right next to him. But it didn't stop there. Skipping off her like a flat stone on a lake, the ball changes directions and flies right in your stomach, smashing you in the rocks behind you. Your scales protected you from taking damage, but those balls seem pure evil to you.


Spoiler: Ulthane's Hammer (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Staff of Elements (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Statuses (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: NPC Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Locations (click to show/hide)


Ohhhh, me likes the new little expansion thing at the bottom of the reply window. Makes writing much easier. Also, DOOM to anyone who doesn't look for errors. Cause I keep discovering some in VERY old parts of the statuses. Why didn't anybody tell me that I left the location unchanged? >.>
Anyways, me and Tako built a treehouse/castle hybrid thing in Minecraft. Consumed a lot of time. For anyone interested, here's the Voltron Army thread:
« Last Edit: April 20, 2010, 09:07:46 pm by VincValentine »
It's sad when the guy falling down the mountain with two broken arms is one of the ones in the least amount of trouble.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Kind of back, but for how long?!
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I couldn't stop laughing. That fort is dangerous!

I, While avoiding being sighted by the fort. Look for an easy way to get in.
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


  • Bay Watcher
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I go to the village and ask the villagers for information about the fort's inner defenses


  • Bay Watcher
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Acanthus is still wielded by Grey. Ugly Parasite is still at the shrine.

If it looks like the metal balls are animate and attacking us:

I wander out of the house and attack the metal balls that seem to be attacking us, with my warhammer.


I convince the others who are still around and not climbing cliffs with broken arms that we should get some shelter.


Also, if there is time, question Evra Von on the inhabitants of the fortress and their defenses and whatnot, since Evra was being held there and experimented on and all.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2010, 09:39:34 am by Paranatural »
The corpses appear to be primarily concentrated under the dead cat.  - Untelligent
Mental Health 6/6. You easily comfort yourself knowing that Paranatural's Hot Stubble And Deliciously Unwashed Armpits will be  waiting for you whatever happens.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Angry Writer
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Alright, now that I'm awake, I then use my LOGIC DEFYING SKILLS to create a suit that makes me all smexy and stuff (yes, I still want in on the goddess's pants. LOGIC WILL NEVER BEAT ME.)
This is in fact Acanthus we're talking about. Logic has no effect on him anyway.
Also, I got a new sig.
Is apparently a Lizardman. ಠ_ಠ
"The pessimist is either always right or pleasantly surprised; he cherishes that which is good because he knows it cannot last."


  • Bay Watcher
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Ha Climbing the clifface with one arm will just make it more badarse!!!!!!

Give the cliff another crack


  • Bay Watcher
  • [Glub]
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I shoryuken the metal balls back at the fort!
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.


  • Bay Watcher
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Make a rope, and tie it round one of thise Cannonballers.
Max characters: 500; characters remaining: 395
Images in your signature must be no higher than 80 pixels.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I am the Tako.
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lol, quite a good turn, even with all those 1's.

See if Tarran and Opal are okey, then examine the two metal balls that acted so strangely.

I wonder how this will turn out.  ;D


  • Bay Watcher
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Nuuu Tacos! If you leave yourself exposed on the hill you'll get fired at!  :'(


  • Bay Watcher
  • Kind of back, but for how long?!
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Nuuu Tacos! If you leave yourself exposed on the hill you'll get fired at!  :'(
His name is Takos, not Tacos. :P
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm thinking Flintus10 will get shot at first.

Anyway I think the metal balls are animate in some fashion, I think they're gonna attack us.

Also, they must be pretty light if they got shot from a cannon and hit people directly and didn't splatter them everywhere, armor or no.
The corpses appear to be primarily concentrated under the dead cat.  - Untelligent
Mental Health 6/6. You easily comfort yourself knowing that Paranatural's Hot Stubble And Deliciously Unwashed Armpits will be  waiting for you whatever happens.


  • Bay Watcher
  • *Insert Meme Here*
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In and out of character, I am completely lost (also my location still says I'm at the house) so I'll just play the a song on the guitar.

Windmill, windmill for the land
Turn forever hand in hand
Take it all in on your stride
It is sinking, falling down
Love forever, love is free
Let's turn forever, you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?
This being Homestuck, I'm not sure whether that's post-scratch Rose or Vriska with a wig.


  • Bay Watcher
  • [Glub]
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You are at the house. Everybody is currently just outside, we haven't gone anywhere yet.
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.


  • Bay Watcher
  • *Insert Meme Here*
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You are at the house. Everybody is currently just outside, we haven't gone anywhere yet.

My turn specifically stated I was outside an by a cliff.
This being Homestuck, I'm not sure whether that's post-scratch Rose or Vriska with a wig.
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