Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

Saving fortress mode setups

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Allow the player to save their initial setup of dwarves and equipment BEFORE the game starts. This would allow for more of a "Jump in and play!" without having to use the "Embark now!" option.

Yeah, I like that idea.  Though actually what might be better is to have it load the preset loadout but still let the player tweak it a little if they want.  I have pretty much settled on a standard starting package that I like, but I'm always changing little things here and there.

Thirded.  Or seconded a second time.  Whatever.

I think this would be a great addition to the game, especially since losing is more fun than winning half the time. It would be nice to be able to save, load, and edit starting builds of dwarves, their skills, and the item lists. Obviously it wouldn't work for starting area but the others are possible. If nothing else it would be nice to have a memory for the item list (so we don't have to add all those meats and alcohols every time). Would make it much easier start over as much as I do. Yep.

I was actually coming to make this suggestion.. glad to see someone beat me to it.. so I forth this! or was that fifth?


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