The Diary of Bomrek SalvewadedWith my host Bomrek's eyes, I see signifigance everywhere: sites of great battles, the purpose of levers. Excellent. My first act is to assign every dwarf a bed, it will foster a sense of security.
The militia's single squad of ten, the Fenced gulfs, is given a barracks underneath the great gates (with it's sobering rows of coffins) and an equipment list: 5 axes, 5 short swords, plate armor for all. Training is now a matter of personal responsibility. Hopefully there are enough bronze plate items kicking around to give our soldiers a fighting chance. Steel armor and weapons must be smithed.
Security: the abundance and variety of traps at work here is terrifying. Nonetheless, I send masons out to finish the outer wall where natural ramps meet level changes. Within hours, all available masons have trapped themselves on top of the wall. I abandon the project in disgust: no time for micromanagement.
Perhaps leaving the Captain of the Guard's post empty was the right decision: I ruefully note that my
flesh puppet gracious host Bomrek Salvewaded has yet to serve out his 26 day stint in prison.
Our militia commander is found bleeding out in a hospital bed, next to a pus encrusted skeleton. Disgusting! Former Lord Cheddarius has voluntarily forgone all labor save healthcare, and a well is being dug so he can begin to establish the rudiments of hygeine.
16 OpalEnervating adversity: The well freezes, a crude shack is hastily erected around it. The Fenced Gulfs drill in their new barracks but won't equip, an arsenal dwarf is hastily appointed. So many details! All I desire are soldiers and a clean hospital for the wounded before the next attack! Time is against us.
Our soldiers: the 'Gulfs are a less than terrifying sight in their rags. Their commander will almost certainly never rise again, he is replaced, almost at random, with a butcher named 'Blutwurst'.
26 OpalCreiyd enters the barracks. He opens a bin. He dons steel greaves. It's happening.
7 ObsidianSomething in the stone dump ... glowing faintly blue ... no. No. It can't be.

40 units total. 20 more in the food pile. I mistook it for microcline. The True Metal was not just a legend! In the weapons bin: Masterful adamantine swords and axes! Where were they? Again I find there is more to Cavebrands than meets the eye. Perhaps the complete history of this fortress can someday be told, perhaps future scholars could compile...but I have
no time. 12 ObsidianWith shock and revulsion, I realized today I have been gathering and burying the remains of long-dead dwarves in a hall originally meant for dogs. May the dead forgive me, I have no time for the niceties. The connnnnnn---