Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

Export to txt


I would quite like an option to export your map to a text file, rather than BMP.I realise some of the characters are not printable in most editors, so maybe a conversion file will be needed, something like
Original Byte: Output Byteso replacing null with a space would be
or something.

Abyssal Squid:
Yeah, I've been wanting this too, but I think HTML would be better than TXT for a number of reasons.  Ability to use colors (foreground and background), a wider range of characters, and more flexibility in general.

Yeah, although html tags become very innefficient if you are changing colour every character. maybe just RTF or something? Im not sure what encoding that uses, im assuming it can do colour...
Anyone here know of a good format for text+foreground and background colour?


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