Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

Stupid Army Arc idea, but fun anyway.

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Let's say that you declare your fort is stronger than mine. It's probably true but we want to put it to the test. I think it'd be an interesting feature if you could export your military as a file, much like a fort or world save. Then both parties could send their armies and using the army AI that is in the upcoming arc they could just go at it. Thus you have a simple way to prove that though my fort has some great steel weaponry your superior numbers and armor is enough to overcome it, for example. There would obviously be some element of chance.
If'n ya wanted to, there could be a control interface similar to the one that would be in Fortress Mode once the Army Arc is implemented.
This mode would be available at the main menu so as not to cause the destruction of your defensive force on an idle, and possibly drunk, gamble.
What do y'all think?

I'm happy with DF being a --ing single player game, just like Toady is making it.

Yeah, I concur with Draco18s.

I could see this eventually being done with a utility but I doubt this would go in officially anytime soon(if at all).Not that I would complain if it did mind you. It would be something else to do.  But it seems it would be too much work for too little gain.  I believe there was a discussion about it before, but as usual I cannot reliably find anything for a link.

Though I said in the topic line that I thought this was a stupid idea, I feel the irresistible urge to defend it.The first thing that people said is that they don't want a multiplayer experience. Hey, neither do I particularly, but this idea has about as much multiplayer as a succession game. Those things produce some of Dwarf Fortresses best stories. Boatmurdered anyone? I doubt that the idea I gave would produce anything quite as entertaining with fortress mode's ability to create hilarious situations. The game, however, has proven its ability to create unusual and amusing stories all by itself.As to the difficulty of coding such a task as this, I have no real expertise. I've never programmed anything. Well, there was some tiny thing in BASIC back in 6th grade but I think that doesn't count. Still, as I see it, the only real function that would be needed is the ability to export and load every dwarf in the military and their inventory. A pretty small portion of any given game. Then one could start this separate Army mode that would simply check the saves for any exported army files. Two are selected and they attack each other on a simple terrain. Toady said that he would like it to be possible to stumble upon a battle in adventure mode which means that there will be an AI for two armies fighting already existing. No extra coding.There is one problem that I see and its only fair that I point it out myself. This idea may not be popular enough to warrant the effort. That's why I posted the idea. See how the masses accept it. So far seems none too good. But maybe now that I've gone over the initial complaints, the masses have converted.


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