Dwarf Fortress > DF Dwarf Mode Discussion

Cheap bags through putting stuff in: Bug or no?


I'm asking this here rather than going right to the bug tracker because a similar bug was closed recently.

But something doesn't fit with that. The explanation supplied for a price drop of 50 from an empty bag to a sand bag was that the empty one was dyed with dimple dye - but I've never seen dimple dye raise the price of a good by anything but 20. As far as I know, the dyeing is purely an additive change to the value - it does not multiply with the type of good. (It can be expertly dyed, and I'm not sure on the effect on price there, but I've yet to see trade goods with that.)

In my experience, dye isn't always a factor - and this bug is of long standing, just not with sand: Seed bags are always cheaper than empty bags, and have been since at least 40d. Giant cave spider silk bags of seed could be more expensive than empty other bags, but they were still significantly cheaper(I think half the base price) compared to the empty GCSS bags. Sand seems to be doing the same thing.

Something about the contents of the bags is overwriting the cost of the bags themselves, or fiddling with its multiplier. For expensive goods(flour, dwarven sugar, plaster), this isn't easily noticed, but for the cheaper goods it lets people get bags at a discount.

Just waiting on some word before I toss this on the bug tracker - I don't think the dye adequately explained the one I linked above, but if it's intended behaviour, well, it certainly is unintuitive, so I'd like to be sure.


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