Music: The Jedi Academy

Alright, we've arrived in the Dantooine system. Looks like we're already back to arguing, though.

"I agree with Bastila. We should be safe here."

"We can get supplies here and recuperate. The Academy is a place of mental and spiritual healing; something we could all use after what we've been through."

"Maybe you're right. It isn't easy to witness the annihilation of an entire planet. I know Mission must be taking it pretty hard."

"She will find a way to come to terms with her grief. She is stronger than she appears. We just need to give her time. Now I must go speak with the Council. I need their advice on... recent developments. After I have met with them I will meet you outside the ship."
I think that conversation was supposed to occur
after you land on the planet; as it is, Bastila sounds like she's going to grab an escape pod and fly down to the surface right away.

Welcome to Dantooine. It is, as said by Grand Moff Wilhuff (yes, that's his first name. Seriously.) Tarkin, "remote". The main terrain of the planet is dry grassland with a few thorny Blba trees (you can see a couple in that last screenshot).

After a short time, Bastila returns.

"An audience with the Jedi Council? That's pretty unusual for someone who isn't even a Jedi. What's this about, Bastila?"

"I'm sorry, Carth, but I cannot tell you. All I ask is that you trust in the Force and the wisdom of the Council."

"Well, I don't like being left out of the loop, but I'm not looking to get you in any trouble with the Jedi Masters. We'll do things your way for a while."

"Come, they are expecting us. I will lead you to the Council chambers."
Before we do that, however, let's see how the rest of the group is holding up after that whole blowing up the main city of Taris thing.

Mission, of course, was impacted the hardest.

"Yeah... I know. The Jedi got rid of Revan, so I figure Malak's days are numbered, too. But that doesn't make the pain go away, you know? Look, I'm not saying I can't go on or anything like that. It's just... it's a shock, you know? I mean, I knew the Sith were evil and all, but the reality of it kind of slaps you in the face. But I suppose that's why we need to stop Malak, right? The more time I spend dwelling on Taris the more chance some other planet will get wiped out. I guess that's what it comes down to. So don't worry about me; I'll be okay. And if you need my help against Malak or the Sith, I'll be there for you!"

T3 has nothing to say himself; neither does Zaalbar.

Oh, hey, the ship comes with a free swoop bike. There's no prototype accelerator, but that still could come in handy once we reach a planet with a swoop track.

You may have noticed that you can ask party members for certain things. I'll get to that soon enough, but for now, let's stick with conversation.

"You want to hear tales of my exploits? Of the wars I've seen and fought, the enemies I've seen die by my hand? Heh, sure, I'll humor you. My name's Canderous of the Mandalorian clan Ordo. I've been fighting across the galaxy for 40 of your years. For my people it's the honor and glory of battle that rules us. It's through combat that we prove our worth, gain renown and make our fortune."

"Is that why the Mandalorians attacked the Republic?"

"The Sith came to us with an offer: to fight a worthy enemy in a battle that would be remembered forever. Win or lose, as long as the fight is worthy, then honor is gained. The glory at having triumphed over impossible odds is what drives us. If there's nothing at stake - your possessions, your life, your world - then the battle's meaningless. We Mandalore take everything we are and throw it into battle. It's the true test of yourself - the battle against death... against oblivion."

"Is that why you work as a mercenary?"

"Times have changed now. The Mandalore clans have been scattered across the Outer Rim, the Republic is in decline and the Sith Empire rises to take its place. The clans as they were aren't a threat, but the galaxy still fears us. Ha! People think we war out of spite, or bloodlust. They don't understand, and fear that. We only wanted the challenge of the battle, and glory from it - win or lose. And we lost. But now I have no real challenges. Crushing Davik's enemies and the pathetic gangs of the Lower City of Taris could not be considered the most glorious of tasks. When I think of the battles I've fought... the thousands I've killed... the worlds I've burned... I weep for my past. We'll never speak of this again. We've got work to do, so let's get to it."
Alright, now to go outside and chat with the residents of this little settlement. Don't worry, we'll be working our way towards the council chambers.

"Sorry, I have no idea who you're talking about."
Lur Arka: "Ah, that is too bad. I shall have to continue my search."

"Are problems with Mandalorians common on Dantooine?"
Lur Arka: "I understand they are, though I know little of the history behind this conflict. Someone native to this planet could tell you more."

"I'll keep my eye out for your girl."
Lur Arka: "I would appreciate that, sentient."

Now we'll talk with... another Twi'lek.

"I came here with Bastila."
Deesra: "Yes, of course. I should have known. I have only heard a little of how she escaped the destruction of Taris. Tell me, did she save you from that planet as well?"

"She didn't save me. We worked together to escape Taris."
Deesra: "Oh, I see. Well, I meant no offense of course. In any case, it is good to have her back here on Dantooine again. We were afraid Malak had captured her. I hope you enjoy your time on Dantooine. May the Force be with you."
And also with you.
...Stupid habits built up over a lifetime of Catholicism.

Here's a woman we'll be seeing a decent amount of the next couple updates.
Belaya: "Bastila? I have heard of her. They say she has already mastered the art of Battle Meditation, remarkable in one so young. Though I have heard she has a foolish pride in her own talents. But as for you... you claim you are not a Padawan? I find this hard to believe. The Force is strong within you. I can feel its presence. If this is some type of jest, it is in very poor taste. The Jedi Order is not a subject for jokes."

"I am telling the truth."
Belaya: "Please forgive the abruptness with which I first greeted you. It was harsh, and perhaps unfair. My Master often warns me I must learn to control my emotions. I see I have much left to learn. I wish you a pleasant stay here on Dantooine. May the Force be with you."
And al- *whaps self* Stop it!

We're here.

A quick guide to the council here on Dantooine. Vandar is fairly easy to spot. Vrook is more easily recognised by his voice - he's played by none other than the great Ed Asner!
(Oddly enough, this wasn't Mr. Asner's first time playing a Star Wars character - he also played Jabba the Hutt in the radio drama of
Return of the Jedi.)

Zhar: "Yes, the High Council of the Jedi Order is on Coruscant, but we are the Council in charge of the training facility here on Dantooine."

"I've got some questions for all of you."
Zhar: "Indeed, I am sure that you do. I assure you that we will have answers for you."

"Why am I here?"
Zhar: "Bastila tells us you are strong in the Force. We are considering you for Jedi training."

"I don't know if I'm ready for this."
Zhar: "Do not worry. I am confident in your ability to learn."

"Perhaps it was simple luck."
Zhar: "We both know there is no luck. There is only the Force. We all feel the power in Bastila's companion, though it is wild and untamed. Now that this power has begun to manifest itself, can we safely ignore it?"

"The Jedi training is long and difficult, even when working with a young and open mind. Teaching a child is hard. How much harder will it be for an adult to learn the ways of the Jedi?"

"I am willing to try my best."
Dorak: "Traditionally the Jedi do not accept adults for training, though there are rare exceptions in the history of our Order. But you are a special case."

"I agree with Master Dorak. Many of our own pupils are leaving the Jedi order to follow the Sith teachings, we need recruits to stand against Malak! With Revan dead..."

"Are you certain Revan is truly dead? What if we undertake to traing this one, and the Dark Lord should return?"

"We should discuss this matter more fully in private. Bastila, you and your companion must go. This is a matter for the Council alone."

Alright. We could use a bit more rest after that mess on Taris, anyway.