Dwarf Fortress > DF Dwarf Mode Discussion

Never Have any Seeds!

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--- Quote from: Satarus on May 05, 2010, 09:10:09 am ---If your plot lists no crops, yet you have seeds, its because you didn't irigate.  If you have no seeds, just get more on embark.  Default embark only gives like 5 seeds.  You should get a large number.  They are 1 point each so you have no excuse not to bring many.  Plus if you bring an odd number like 21, you'll get a free bag.

--- End quote ---
Seeds come 100 to a bag. If you want bags, bring sand. You can just dump the sand when you get there to get it out of the bag.

Lord Darkstar:
You really don't need many seeds when you embark, as any eating or brewing will produce more seeds. You shouldn't cook your plump helmets though, as that destroys the seeds.

There are not many underground plants that dwarves can eat without processing, so you don't need to load up on the other crop types unless you intend to work them heavily on your farms to start with.

I usually remove all of the seeds from my embark list, and gather shrubs at first.  Then I build an above ground farm.  That keeps me going for a long time.  As a bonus, human and elven traders also frequently bring above ground seeds, some types that you may not find on your map but will grow there--like whip vines or sun berries.

Don't make your farms too big, or your dwarfs will spend a lot of time picking crops.  I had a problem where I made big farms--a big 4x7 plot for seven different outdoor plants, and ran out of places to store food and dwarfs were constantly harvesting.  I no longer needed to trade for food at all, and started trading prepared meals to the dwarfs and humans. 

Also remember the farm is good for cloth creation, which you can dye and fashion into clothing and crafts.  If you get a highly skilled clothier, masterfully worked, dyed clothing trades for a lot of dwarfbucks.  Best yet you can grow some of your own dye, and then trade for other types.

Frequently by the time I reach the cavern, I am very well set on food and generally only pick cavern shrubs for the variety, or grow very small plots so that I do not have to concern myself with irrigation underground.

Lord Darkstar:
Once you are at the caverns, you don't need to worry about irrigation. They start muddy. You just need to worry about irrigating them if you reclaim the fortress.

you can see a count of your seeds in the z-kitchen menu (where it is noted that they will not be cooked, by default) or in the z-stocks menu under seeds.

Eating, brewing, or processing raw plants make seeds from them. Cooking always destroys seeds.


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