28th Moonstone 513Goblins still sit there, outside the gates. Only weird thing is that they've split into 3 groups. Hammergobs to the north, by the old shaft, the bulk of axegobs, lashers and archers southeast of the gate, on the plains, and a couple trolls at the beach, south of the fortifications. Are they planning something? Not likely. If they had any way of breaching the gates or bypassing the walls, they'd have done so long ago.
1st Opal 513That's it for the totem this year, I guess. I feel queasy just thinking about slaughtering more livestock, and we ran out of bones. Maybe my successor will pick it up. Maybe not.
Over 9000 hours in MS paint. I tried to make a skull. Lvl 104 contains teeth, lvl 106 nasal hole. I just hope I'm not the only one that can honestly say it resembles an actual skull.7th Opal 513The pump stack for the reservoir and irrigation isn't working. I don't know why. Maybe it has something to do with the tunnel dig out into the cavern at tle lowest level (WHY?). Maybe it has to do with the lake being made of obsidian now. If I could get my hands on the idiots that pulled off this foolishness, I would... gah. For the time being, I ordered reconstruction of the pump at the very bottom of the stack. Hopefully it'll help.
13th Opal 513I found the reason for the whole pump stack mess. Bureaucracy. Apparently I was the only dwarf unaware that for some unfathomable reason usage of that one pump was forbidden due to some silly document. Thank gods I found that stupid piece of paper before I ordered construction of another pump right next to the perfectly functioning one. Shame I couldn't find it in time to stop the mining work to prepare space for it.
15th Opal 513Finally, the reservoir is refilled. One more problem for the reactor out of the way. Now it only needs water wheels and axles to connect the gears. I'll finish installing the drainage system in coming days. However, actually flooding the banks of the power stations will have to wait until wheels are finished.
27th Opal 513Today, Onul, of of the most recent migrants, gave birth to a boy. She named him Erush. I guess Battlefailed isn't that bad of a place if children are still born here.
3rd Obsidian 513Drainage and water access floodgate mechanisms for the reactor are complete. I hope the rest of this month, and my term at the same time, will be uneventful and peaceful.
18th ObsidiansWhen I looked over the wall today, the goblins were gone. I wonder when they'll come again. I hope it'll be next winter, so they won't disrupt the caravans. I just love seeing the buggers stand in the rain, wallowing in muck of Plains of Ooze while being battered by pungent winds blowing from over the Blueness of Malodors.
1st Granite 514Finally, I can lay down the burdens of leadership. It was a rather peaceful year, even if non of the big projects I planned out last Granite are finished. Not enough dwarves, not enough resources. I just hope next overseer will be someone more suited for the job.
I've started uploading the save. It'll take a while. I'll edit the post with the link soon