Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

Sorting on mood


Is it possible to sort/display dwarves on the basis of their current mood? (to lock up that single dwarf waiting to run amok, and thereby spreading the "disease")If it is not present, i would like to see a such a feature, so that you may find out whether the fort on average is unhappy, or just a few dwarves are...


i have thought along these lines too. It is obviously an interface issue and therefore it can wait. But having not only the list suggested but also various stats, like a screen that show how many dwarves are content, happy, unhappy. and also the average happiness level. Also maybe lisitng what the most common complaints are and what the most common happy thoughts are. this would mean that if there was some arbitrary unhappy thing in your fortress that was causing more sadness than expected your attention could be brought to it more easily. I would also like to see a graph of average happiness over time. this would help you see how much damage that last goblin attack did to your morale and whether the new statue garden is making a difference etc.

This is really super useful. Fortunately, Dwarf Companion does it. Unfortunately, you still have to find the little bugger afterwards (I could never get its zoom thing to work)

The new version's zoom works  :)


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