Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

Packaged Sample Fortresses

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This is kinda bloat-y but shouldn't be hard to implement.Wouldn't it be nice if you sat down to play Dwarf Fortress for the very first time... and there was a sample fortress already there to get you started?  Wouldn't need much... a pregenerated world with a saved game.  Maybe 15-20 dwarves, each with meager bedrooms and a dining room.  A few military dwarves, a mason, carpenter, miner, smith, woodcutter, and a few farmers.  A small plot, already set to get planted every season, and show everyone how it's done.Why?  Because it would answer a lot of the most frequently asked questions on this board.Maybe it could even just be an optional download.

As an optional download it works; but the best way to learn the game is to jump in and start making stuff (like mistakes) on your own, I think.

Toady is actually planning to do something like this. quote:From http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/dev_v1.html  : <STRONG>ADVANCED HELP ARC: Yeah, dwarves has a steep learning curve. Tutorials and advisors could help this, as well as decent in-game help. Related to Core19 and Core22.</STRONG>

I read the OP as more of a "Here's a pre-made fort to muck around in" rather than a tutorial.

Gotta go with Capntastic on this one. Could even feature a video of how they got to that point (or a short video - this is how you dig, add stairs, make piles, and set up a simple farm).


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