Since I'm not able to create a new topic in the Bug area, I'm opening up this topic here:
Since Toady One is starting on the military equipment bugs and they seem hard to reproduce, we should help him testing out the bug in various encounters. It is also very difficult to test various settings, because setting up and testing around stuff with the military is rather time consuming (and annoying as hell).
from the bugtracker:
I'm getting started on these now. Any saves people have for whatever issue would be useful. I didn't find any looking through many of the child issues. Sometimes it's difficult to reproduce things -- I'm sure I can get some problems to happen easily, but it'll be slow going. Thanks for your help!
edit: I should link when I mention saves. It is a good place to put them.
I could not get the OP's problem to reproduce, trying the steps listed, in 3 tries. Saves will definitely be useful. The earlier in the process the better, provided the problem still reproduces, since the equipment problems tend to snowball.
At first we'll need a testing environment, I would provide my own actual save, but it seems as if the arsenal dwarf would be triggered rather late in this fort. (I already have 40 citizens and still no arsenal dwarf available)
Requirements for the testing environment:
- it should be as early as possible after the embark
- at least 30 citizens
- arsenal dwarf is assignable
- fort is self running (no vital stuff has yet to be built)
- metal industry running - for testing around with weapons and armor
- leather industry running (e.g. some leather bins from a caravan and a build leatherworker's workshop) - for testing around with backpacks and waterskins
- NO weapon/armor/ammo stocks designated (or used) yet - some have said the arsenal dwarf screws things if one is designated
if anyone has such a savegame it would be great if you would provide it. (upload it at and post the link)
For good and reproducable test results it is very important everyone has the same starting requirements!
stuff to be tested:
all squads are being assigned standard metal uniform
1 - assigning arsenal dwarf, assigning military commander, assigning captain
1.1 - creating squad with 5 members (from captain) -? (works from my experience)
1.2 - adding 5 more members - ?
1.3 - assigning another captain, creating another squad with 5 members (from captain) - ?
1.4 - adding 5 more members to second squad - ?
1.5 - further testing - ?
2 - assigning arsenal dwarf, assigning military commander, assigning captain 1, assign captain 2
2.1 - create squad 1 from captain with 5 members - ?
2.2 - add 5 more members to squad 1 - ?
2.3 - create squad 2 from captain with 5 members - ?
2.4 - add 5 more members to squad 2 - ?
2.5 - further testing - ?
3 - assigning arsenal dwarf, assigning military commander, assigning captain 1, assign captain 2
3.1 - create squad 1 from captain with 5 members - ?
3.2 - create squad 2 from captain with 5 members - ?
3.3 - add 5 more members to squad 1 - ?
3.4 - add 5 more members to squad 2 - ?
2.5 - further testing - ?
4 - assigning arsenal dwarf, assigning military commander, assigning captain 1, assign captain 2
4.1 - unassign captain 1, unassign captain 2, assign captain 2 to the slot of captain 1 and captain 1 to the place of captain 2
4.2 - create squad 1 from captain with 5 members - ?
4.3 - add 5 more members to squad 1 - ?
4.4 - create squad 2 from captain with 5 members - ?
4.5 - add 5 more members to squad 2 - ?
4.6 - further testing - ?
5 - assigning arsenal dwarf, assigning military commander, assigning captain
------the following 2 points are already being tested in test case 1------
5.1 - creating squad with 5 members (from captain)
5.2 - adding 5 more members
5.3 - remove all members from the squad
5.4 - disband the squad
5.5 - make all military nobles vacant
5.6 - assigne the same arsenal dwarf, assigning military commander, assigning captain as in 5
5.7 - create squad with with the same 5 members as in 5.1 (from captain) - ?
5.8 - adding the same 5 more members as in 5.2 - ?
5.9 - further testing - ?
6 - assigning arsenal dwarf, assigning military commander, assigning captain
------the following 2 points are already being tested in test case 1------
6.1 - creating squad with 5 members (from captain)
6.2 - adding 5 more members
6.3 - remove all members from the squad
6.4 - disband the squad
6.5 - make all military nobles vacant
6.6 - assigne arsenal dwarf, assigning military commander, assigning captain they must be different as in 5
6.7 - create squad with with the same 5 members as in 5.1 (from captain) - ?
6.8 - adding the same 5 more members as in 5.2 - ?
6.9 - further testing - ?
7 - assigning arsenal dwarf, assigning military commander, assigning captain
7.1 - designate an armor stockpile
7.2 - designate a weapon stockpile
7.3 - creating squad with 5 members (from captain) - ?
7.4 - adding 5 more members - ?
7.5 - further testing - ?
8 - assigning arsenal dwarf, assigning military commander, assigning captain
8.1 - assign barracks for sleep
8.2 - creating squad with 5 members (from captain) - ?
8.3 - adding 5 more members - ?
8.4.1 - set dwarfes to defend a burrow and sleep in barracks on will - ?
8.4.2 - set dwarfes to defend a burrow and sleep in barracks on need - ?
8.5 - further testing - ?
9 - assigning arsenal dwarf, assigning military commander, assigning captain
9.1 - assign barracks for train
9.2 - creating squad with 5 members (from captain) - ?
9.3 - adding 5 more members - ?
9.4 - set dwarfes to train in barracks - ?
9.5 - further testing - ?
10 - assigning arsenal dwarf, assigning military commander, assigning captain
10.1 - assign barracks for sleep and train
10.2 - creating squad with 5 members (from captain) - ?
10.3 - adding 5 more members - ?
10.5.1 - set dwarfes to train and sleep in barracks on will - ?
10.5.2 - set dwarfes to train and sleep in barracks on need - ?
10.6 - further testing - ?
there for sure are more test cases, but I don't know yet which to mention
documentation: everyone who takes part in this test has to document his steps done in the test. This is crucial for recreating the test.
This documentation should look like:
1st limestone - assigned UristMcMoron as arsenal dwarf, assigned Urist McHero as militia commander, assigned Urist McMc as milita captain
3rd limestone - created squad "The Firefists" with Uris McMc as leader and Urist McSoldier1, Urist McSoldier2, Urist McSoldier3, Urist McSoldier4
15th limestone - Urist McSoldier1 now uses a "Tower-Cap Baby Toy Axe"
18th limestone - I've produced a "*Steel War Axe*", Urist Mc Soldier 1 now uses a "*Steel War Axe*" and Urist McSoldier2 now uses a "Tower-Cap Baby Toy Axe"
Test completed - everything seems to work as intended
Well the final tests should have a more complete set of tests. (also produce armor, produce armor/weapons of different materials/quality)
Anyone who wants to help is welcome. But the first step is as said above, to find a suitable savegame to start with.
If anyone has yet done some testing with equiment - now is the time to gather all confirmed information.