Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

Plates, laundry, and defecation, oh my


Flok Speargrabber:
I think plates should be added. Such a thing is an unnecessary luxury for dwarves, that can be crafted from stone or metal, that makes a meal more enjoyable. See cleaning later in this post for more about them.Laundry should be added, as well. What this does is it requires a barrel/bin/washbin, water (Preferably non-murky) and soap. What it does is take dirty clothes from a dwarf and washes them, improving their quality.Plates need to be washed after every use (Or a few, perhaps) by using water and soap on them.Now, for the dirty end:Everybody poops.
Especially bears in woods, but that's not what's important now.What you should be able to do is designate channels for 'toiletry use', which, when used, instantly makes the square under it filthy. Obviously.
Being near defecation is worth a major negative thought, and may cause vomitting.
It can also be used in traps, or humiliating your enemies.
'Oh god, a trap! Well, it's probably just a spike trap. Goodbye, cruel woOH GOD IT'S IN MY NOOOOSE'It can also be used as a much, much eaisier to produce fertilizer.
Animal dung would have to be cleaned up by the owner of the pet, or by someone with the much-sought-after-to-be-used cleaning skill.

There's been some debate whether or not to add "nightsoil". I'm all for it, because now we have a reason to build some awesome sewage systems. Plumbing in general would be very nice, it'd force us to think about infrastructure and plan accordingly.

Sean Mirrsen:
Until flows can push objects again....  I don't think you'd want sewage.  :)
Unless you make it a contaminant...........
But then you have the probablity of having a brown fortress...  :p

yes sewage would be great
also platesalso making dwarves use the mugs and plates we've crafted instead of just hauling ass into the food stockpile and downing a barrel of beer in a spider filled cave when they coulda walked 4 feet into a legendary dining room >=(

Urist is very unhappy. He had to sleep on a sh*tty surface.


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