First milestone to share: Collapsing the core to the first cavern.
(14th Sandstone 1054, Mid-Autumn.)
All squads were activated to show the soldier types.
We see the 41 urist wide borehole cerimonialy centered on the Wagon. My plan is to dig the borehole by mining out a ring and let the core collapse when we reach caverns. If all goes well we will sacrifice the entire core into the magna when we are deep enough.
Walls have been errected, 3 full squads are in training and a basic killing entrance is made as defence. We are under siege, but the enemy is on the other side of the stream and can't reach us.
10 levels below:
The entire core is held by a single support linked to a lever being pulled right NOW.
- Ok, - almost now. The stream froze right as I was ready for the pull, so the sieging force charged across. Just as I had finished dicing them 3 ogres entered the map, but the squads took them all down without fatalities. Another siege happened right afterward with bow goblins mounted on crocodiles and trolls! The caravan from Mountainhome arrieved at the same time. The liaison got though the gates in time, but the entire trade caravan was torn apart by the trolls (I got through only losing 5 of my dwarves). - I just love how the complexity of this game can mess up any plan.
Good thing the liaison survived, - the fort will be awarded with a title of baron. I will recommend the mason of the original 7 as he is in love with the original miner, - this could be come an aristocracy based on merit (for a change).
So NOW (28th Moonstone 1054, Early Winter) we will pull the lever:
The entire hole become a dust storm. Good thing the entire population was called to the NE corner.
The cavern level has become a solid disk as planned. The collapse has expsed a lot of the interior.
The mid level of the core is now a random mix of air and spires as the collapse has compressed former mining tunnels, stairways and ramps. A beautiful ice sculputure was to my surprise created right outside my dining hall.
DWARVEN SICENCE: The ice must be from the lake in the cavern. Finding it atop of the collapsed core must indicate, that when rock is made to collapse into water, then the water TELEPORTS ATOP of the falling rock. It would then normally quickly flow away to give the natural illusion of being pushed away, but as my collapse happened in the winter it was frozen at once. (It may become Fun for anyone below next spring.)