Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

New Creature Behavior -- Scavenger

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In many of my forts, I have a 2nd story butcher shop, heaving any critter chunks out the window.  I'd like animals to come by my dump site to feed.  I think it would be interesting behavior and add realism.Here are some implementations, by increasing complexity:Critters with a [scavenger] tag get a "scavenged" flag, initially false.  When a scavenger sees meat, a corpse, remains, body parts, or miasma from those it heads towards the source.  It consumes the source and sets its flag to true.  The flag resets at the end of the season.  It continues to follow normal critter behavior.  Small animals run away from dwarves.  Large or pack predators may require a fight to recover the kill.  They might also seek out lone returning huntdwarves.  Unrealistically, a raccoon could eat an entire elephant.As above, but add a flag to rotable items.  If one critter scavenges the rotten rhino lizard corpse, it becomes a partially eaten rhino lizard corpse.  A second critter finished it off, leaving the bones behind.  Now it takes two raccoons.As above, but add a counter to rotable items based on how much meat it provides.  Add counters to scavenging critters based on size.  When a critter scavenges, it decrements its counter and the rotables counter.  If the rottable is later butchered, meat yield is lower.  After all, there's more eating on an elephant than a half-eaten elephant.  This allows broad descriptor tags:  nibbled on, partially eaten, half eaten, mostly eaten, stripped carcass.  And a half-eaten elephant is still worth more than a half-eaten cat.Lots of raccoons needed now.  And lions would go through it much faster.
In all cases, until the pet-food arc is added, tamed scavengers should lose their scavenging behavior.This makes dwarven burial more urgent.  I picture bad thoughts from recovering a copse somethings been eating.Rylen

I love it. If you leave your dead in the field their families would get horrible thoughs from seeing their half-eaten face. And the vultures! Seeing a cloud of vultures descend after a large batle would be great.

God of Toast:
That's actually a great suggestion, Toady should implement it!   :D

Red Jackard:
Hey, any of those variants sound like they would be pretty cool.

This is a great idea. Carrion beetles could be happily implemented with this, then you could catch them in dwarf mode and use them as pseudo vacuum cleaners for after sieges, only leaving bones for bolts, and thus multiplying your cleaning force.  :D


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